July 17th, 2017

Announcing the Cognitive Services White Glove Program for All Azure Government Customers

Earlier this year we announced the initial release and public preview of Cognitive Services in Azure Government. From talking with you, we understand that building Artificial Intelligence in your application has proved to be a daunting task, but we’re now here to help! Azure Government is expanding the Cognitive Services public preview with the launch of Cognitive Services White Glove Program.

This program will provide direct assistance from

The White Glove Program includes three main stages- Envision, Onboard and Scale. More details of each stage are listed below:

  1. Envision
    1. An introduction to Cognitive Services capabilities and benefits
    2. Identifying target pilot applications to be built in Azure Government
    3. Reviewing and validating onboarding requirements
  2. Onboard
    1. Partnering with the Azure Government Engineering team to start building your Cognitive Services application
    2. Assessing architectural and development needs for meeting your mission requirements
  3. Scale
    1. Identifying and working towards your compliance and production needs
    2. Getting access to application development experts at Microsoft to further assist in designing and building your application
    3. The ability to provide direct feedback on the product and capabilities to the core Cognitive Services & AI engineering team

Each customer in the program will have an opportunity to get their user-story featured on our blog and to co-launch Cognitive Services with us when we make this service generally available later this year.

Ideal Candidates: No matter the size or scale of what you’re interested in, we want to hear from you!

Join Now: To join the program, please email azgovfeedback@microsoft.com or comment on this page.

We look forward to partnering with you!

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