I recently presented at Python Day 2024 on Langchain integration. I created a slide deck that I believe can be useful beyond just the session, so I wanted to share it here for everyone’s benefit.
The deck covers the most common topics for a Python developer:
- Is there a free version of SQL Server or Azure SQL?
- Can I run SQL Server on Linux?
- Why should I bother about Azure SQL or SQL Server?
- Why you keep saying “Azure SQL and SQL Server”? Are they different?
- Which version should I choose to get started?
- What library I can use to connect to SQL Server using Python?
The slide deck, which I created using the Sli.dev SDK, so that slide themselves are available online in a very easy to access format, is available here:
The session covers a lot more than what is in the deck. It was recorded and is available for everyone to view: