December 16th, 2024

Azure SQL ❤️ Python!

Davide Mauri
Principal Product Manager

I recently presented at Python Day 2024 on Langchain integration. I created a slide deck that I believe can be useful beyond just the session, so I wanted to share it here for everyone’s benefit.

The deck covers the most common topics for a Python developer:

  • Is there a free version of SQL Server or Azure SQL?
  • Can I run SQL Server on Linux?
  • Why should I bother about Azure SQL or SQL Server?
  • Why you keep saying “Azure SQL and SQL Server”? Are they different?
  • Which version should I choose to get started?
  • What library I can use to connect to SQL Server using Python?

The slide deck, which I created using the SDK, so that slide themselves are available online in a very easy to access format, is available here:

Image Screenshot 2024 12 16 132824


The session covers a lot more than what is in the deck. It was recorded and is available for everyone to view:



Davide Mauri
Principal Product Manager

Principal Product Manager in Azure SQL, with a career in IT spanning since 1997, earning the prestigious Data Platform MVP status for 12 consecutive years. Currently, he serves as the Principal Product Manager for Azure SQL Database, focusing on developers and AI.


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