Announcing FCM v1 for ANH

Heather Tian

We are happy to announce that Azure Notification Hubs (ANH) Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) v1 is now generally available all customers. This means that you can start using the new features and capabilities of FCM v1 with ANH today. FCM v1 offers better security, performance, and reliability than the legacy FCM HTTP API, which will be deprecated by Google on June 20, 2024. To avoid any disruption in service, we strongly recommend that you migrate your applications and notification payloads to FCM v1 before then.

To help you with the migration, we have updated our documentation with the steps and best practices for onboarding to FCM v1 using the REST API, Portal, or SDKs. You can find the documentation here:

For general questions on the migration, please leave a comment on our Questions page:

If you have any questions or feedback on the Android SDK, please reach out to us via GitHub:

We will also be hosting office hours where you can sign up for a slot and talk to our engineers directly. You can register for the office hours here:

Thank you for choosing Azure Notification Hubs for your push notification needs. We hope you enjoy the benefits of FCM v1 with ANH.


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