Announcing Public Preview of Web Push Notifications with Azure Notification Hubs

Heather Tian

We are extremely excited to announce the public preview of Azure Notification Hubs Web Push Notifications. We know this has been a long asked for feature and we’re happy to say that you can now send notification messages via web browsers with ANH.

Azure Notification Hubs now supports Browser Push for all major browsers including Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Apple Safari is not included as you can use existing APNS support as described in the Configuring Safari Push Notifications , with certificate-based authentication. Browser Push capability is currently supported across platforms with the following:


To see detailed step by step instruction and learn more, click on Web Push Notifications with Azure Notification Hubs

Azure Notification Hubs now allows you to create direct sends, audience sends, or debug sends with Web Push. You can easily set your credentials and send a debug send in the Azure Portal.

Step 1: Set your credentials in the Azure Portal

You can generate your own VAPID credentials by using services such as this VAPID Key Generator. You Navigate to the “Browser (Web Push)” Blade in your Notification Hub. Then, enter your existing VAPID key or generate a new VAPID key pair.

Step 2: Create registrations and installations to send notifications

Make sure to have registrations or installations in order to send your notification. You’ll want to set up the tag expressions so you can target those devices when you’re ready to send your debug notification.

Step 3: Create a debug notification send in the Azure Portal

Select “Browser” for the “Platform” field.

Then, specify the Tag expression to determine the targeted devices.

Modify the payload as desired.

Lastly, send the notification.

We hope you’re as excited about this launch as we are. Be sure to leave your feedback in the comments below, and feel free to submit your feature ideas.


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  • Andrew Ursel 1

    How to get access to this new feature?
    The blade “Browser (Web Push)” does not appear on the notification hub.

    • Richard Clark 0

      Same for me. Any update?

        • Stewart Southwell 0

          The feature is also not showing up for me. The link provided does not take me anywhere.

          Does the notification hub have to be in a specific region for the Web Push option to show (I am in US East 2)

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