August 31st, 2021

Run Tests on Android and iOS Beta Versions

Jihye Eom
Product Manager

We understand the pain and struggle to address unexpected issues before the next release of the major OS version. As exciting as it is to try new features in advance, the struggle to identify compatibility issues over a night is real. We heard your feedback, and now we are super excited to announce beta version support in App Center Test service. 

App Center Test Supports Beta Versions 🎉

Starting from today, App Center offers you a way to try pre-release versions of Android and iOS prior to the final release. You can try beta versions with your application in the physical devices, and test drive new features with us. Let us know if you find any compatibility issues via support. We would be more than happy to investigate the issue and figure it out together.  

Available Devices and OS versions

Take advantage of the Test service now available for your Launch Tests and your automated UI test suite on physical devices running:  

What’s Next

With this beta offering, we hope you could ship your applications with confidence and higher quality on the latest platform. Please let us know if you need any support or question. You can reach us by opening a ticket in the App Center portal. Looking forward to hearing from you. 


Jihye Eom
Product Manager

Product Manager


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