September 19th, 2012

Xamarin Releases Same-Day Support for iOS 6

Jayme Singleton
Senior Program Manager C&AI

Continuing our long history of delivering same-day updates for device platform upgrades, MonoTouch 6 is available today and includes support for all of the new iOS 6 features that will be running on millions of devices before the day is through.

We have in-depth documentation on the new iOS 6 APIs as well as detailed release notes, but we thought we’d highlight a few of our favorites here:

New Collection View control Collection Views bring rich layout support to iOS applications. Using Collection Views, you can easily layout content in grids with minimal effort. Additionally, the layout system that works with Collection Views allows applications to create custom layouts for complete control of how content is presented. The new UICollectionView control offers much more flexibility than the traditional UITableView. Checkout our Introduction to Collection Views.

In-App Content Purchasing & Hosting  Enable users to purchase and download iTunes content from within your app, and host your own content for purchase on Apple’s servers for a seamless buying experience. Checkout our Changes to StoreKit guide.

Facebook  Your app users will be able to connect and share seamlessly through deep Facebook integration throughout iOS 6 and the new Social framework. See our Introduction to the Social Framework.

Passbook  Users now have an easy way to organize boarding passes, tickets, gift cards and loyalty cards.  Leverage the new Pass Kit APIs to create and access passes within your app and send them via email or post them on the web. See the Introduction to PassKit.

Reminders  Keep your users on track and on task with the EventKit framework.  Your app can create and modify reminders, assign due dates, priority, and set alarms.   See our Introduction to EventKit.

To get started using these new APIs today, start with our Introduction to iOS 6 tutorials. This release also includes numerous performance improvements and other niceties from MonoTouch 5.4. For an extensive list of all the new enhancements, please see our MonoTouch 6 release notes.

Current subscribers can fire up MonoDevelop, update to MonoTouch 6, and grab Xcode 4.5 to get started right away.  For those customers without a current subscription, visit or download our free trial.


Jayme Singleton
Senior Program Manager C&AI

Proud Business Operations Program Manager at Microsoft for the global Xamarin & .NET Developer communities. Apart from managing developer content, Jayme also collaborates with Microsoft PM teams, MVPs, Community Leaders, and Event Coordinators to organize product launches, MVP Summit, Microsoft /Build, .NET Conf, and other corporate events through the year. You can find her living the "City Life" in New York, or traveling around the world, Carmen Sandiego-style.