September 10th, 2018

Watch the .NET Conf Live!

Jayme Singleton
Senior Program Manager C&AI

The 3-day virtual developer conference co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft is finally here! Now the question is how and where to watch the .NET Conf which will be completely live-streamed. It is the perfect opportunity to enhance your skills, ask questions to a live audience, and get inspired for your next project.

The last 24 hours of the conference will feature live sessions with speakers streamed directly from communities around the world and by the .NET product teams in their local time zones! Find all the details about featured speakers and the conference agenda on the .NET Conf home page.

Where to Watch

We are streaming the entire conference for you live right on the .NET Conf Home Page! Learn how to build for the web, mobile, desktop, games, services, libraries, and more for a variety of platforms and devices all with .NET. There will be presentations on .NET Core and ASP.NET Core, as well as C#, F#, Azure, Visual Studio, Xamarin, and much more! No matter if you are just beginning or are a seasoned engineer, there will be sessions for everyone.

Watch the .NET Conf live!

Attend a Local .NET Conf Event

Discover all the new updates with your developer community by attending one of the events in your area organized by .NET community influencers. The .NET Foundation has partnered with organizers around the globe to bring you over 140 local, in-person events from September 12th through the end of October! Join your fellow developers in a city near you to learn more about .NET.

Find your local .NET Conf event today!

.NET Conf Virtual Attendee Party

Our partners are hosting a virtual attendee party after the last session ends on Day 1 where you can win prizes! The Twitter party will be hosted by Richard Campbell of .NET Rocks! right at 5:00 pm PST. Answer questions to win prizes and see all the new and upcoming announcements from Microsoft and partners. There you will have a chance to win a free Xbox One X – plus tons of other cool prizes throughout the night. All you have to do is follow the hashtag #dotnetconfparty to participate.

There will also be a live video feed on Twitch to ask questions, see demos, and hang out with our host, Jeff Fritz.

Join .NET Foundation Meetup Pro

We’ve teamed up with the .NET Foundation to continue broadening and strengthening the future of the .NET ecosystem by promoting openness and community participation to encourage innovation. Be part of this exciting transition and take advantage of all the FREE benefits by joining the .NET Foundation!

The .NET Foundation is supporting user groups who join the Meetup Pro account by:

  • Covering Meetup fees
  • Promoting events
  • Granting access to swag
  • Providing the latest content for presentations
  • Sharing news about upcoming releases and how to get involved

In addition to the above, having a pro account grants organizer access to user group analytics and direct user group support for content and speakers – join the .NET Foundation today!


Jayme Singleton
Senior Program Manager C&AI

Proud Business Operations Program Manager at Microsoft for the global Xamarin & .NET Developer communities. Apart from managing developer content, Jayme also collaborates with Microsoft PM teams, MVPs, Community Leaders, and Event Coordinators to organize product launches, MVP Summit, Microsoft /Build, .NET Conf, and other corporate events through the year. You can find her living the "City Life" in New York, or traveling around the world, Carmen Sandiego-style.


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