Apple has indicated that starting in July 2018 all new apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 11 SDK and support the iPhone X Super Retina display.
The following resources describe how to make sure Xamarin.iOS apps look and work great with iOS 11 and iPhone X:
- Xamarin’s Updating Your App to iOS 11 documentation describes many of the changes introduced in iOS 11 and how to work with them. In particular, it looks at updating apps to support 64-bit, since iOS 11 no longer supports 32-bit apps; and visual design updates for UIKit, navigation bars, search controllers, margins, full-screen content, and table views.
- The Updating Xamarin.iOS Apps for the iPhone X blog post provides a further discussion of UI updates necessary to support iPhone X with Xamarin.iOS apps.
- Apple’s Designing for iPhone X video takes a comprehensive look at considerations for designing for the Super Retina display of iPhone X. The video discusses image assets, the home indicator, using safe areas for layout, dealing with the device’s rounded corners, landscape/portrait orientation considerations, and more. Also take a look at these other resources Apple provides to help developers update apps to support iPhone X.
- Another Xamarin blog post, Making iOS 11 Even Easier with Xamarin.Forms examines how to use iOS 11’s safe areas and large titles with Xamarin.Forms.
- The Go Large with iOS 11 blog post demonstrates how to work with iOS 11’s large titles in Xamarin.iOS apps, enabling and styling them as necessary.
- The Add a Search Bar to Your Xamarin Apps in iOS 11 walks through how to use iOS 11 search bars in Xamarin.iOS apps, customizing them as necessary.
Starting this July, be sure that all new apps and app updates that are submitted to the App Store include support for iOS 11 and iPhone X.
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