June 25th, 2014

Show Me the XAML

Xamarin.Forms brings the eXtensible Application Markup Language, or XAML as it’s so lovingly known, to cross-platform mobile development. With XAML, application user interfaces can be created declaratively and succinctly.

slider transforms via xaml

To help Xamarin.Forms developers get up to speed, our good friend Charles Petzold took a brief pause from writing his book on Xamarin.Forms to bring you this wonderful guide:

XAML for Xamarin.Forms – Getting Started with Cross-Platform Markup for Mobile Devices.

In it, you’ll find everything you need to work effectively with XAML in Xamarin.Forms. The guide includes 5 action packed parts:

Along with our other great education resources for learning Xamarin.Forms, you now have a wealth of information to help create great cross-platform apps.


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