July 25th, 2016

Preview: Android Nougat is on the Way

Today, we’re excited to release a new version of our Android N Developer Preview, which features bindings to the final APIs of the Android N SDK. The new version includes several exciting features including multi-window UI, direct reply notifications, advanced memory and power optimizations, and more for developers to integrate into their applications.

Android N Hero

Get Started

Start the Android SDK Manager:

  • Xamarin Studio, use Tools > Open Android SDK Manager
  • Visual Studio, use Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager

Install the latest Android SDK tools; these are listed under Tools:


Install Android Nougat (API 24) SDKs and Device Images: AndroidN

You must install Android SDK Tools revision 25.1.7 or later, SDK Platform-tools 24 or later, and SDK Build-tools 24.0.1. For more information about using the Android SDK Manager to install the Android SDK, see SDK Manager.

Finally, download the latest preview Xamarin.Android packages for Visual Studio or Xamarin Studio.

When is Nougat coming out?

As of this posting, the final release of Android N Developer preview has been released and developers can start publishing apps to devices running Android N at the official API level if your users have opted into the Android Beta program. This will have your app ready for Android N when it is officially released later this year in Q3. Head over to Google’s preview overview page for more details.

Google’s Android N Timeline Android N Updates

Important Behavior Changes

Android N introduces several behavior changes that could impact your application. These include new Doze optimizations for battery and memory improvements, background optimizations (including the deprecation of the CONNECTIVITY_ACTION broadcast), permissions changes, and several others that you can read about on the Android N preview portal. One of the more substantial changes to the platform is a new restriction of applications using non-public APIs such as SQLite, libcrypto, and many more. Be sure to test your application and libraries on Android N to ensure compatibility.

Learn More

Head over to our Xamarin Android N Developer Preview guide to read up on all of the latest features and for the latest downloads of our Android N Preview for Xamarin developers. Then be sure to check out our Android N samples on GitHub.



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