We have just released to the Beta channels the first beta for our upcoming MonoTouch 5.2 release.
The MonoTouch 5.1 Beta contains the following features:
- The MonoTouch.Dialog library is now part of MonoTouch. This allows developers to build applications in a fraction of the time.
- Unit testing framework Touch.Unit to create unit tests for your MonoTouch applications.
- System.Numerics library that contains BigInt and Complex data types.
- System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles
- New MapKit APIs
- Our Generation Collector works.
- Linker Improvements:
- Parallel LINQ preview
- Notice that there are some limitations due to Generics that we will be improving on future releases
We are very excited about making MonoTouch.Dialog part of this release. To ensure compatibility, we renamed this assembly to “MonoTouch.Dialog-1”, this will avoid any conflicts with existing users of the library. This library will continue to be developed as an open source library, and regular updates will be added to MonoTouch.
With MonoTouch.Dialog, you can build UIs in minutes. For example this entire UI:
Was created with this code:
[code light=”true” language=”csharp”]return new RootElement ("Settings") { new Section (){ new BooleanElement ("Airplane Mode", false), new RootElement ("Notifications", 0, 0) { new Section (null, "Turn off Notifications to disable Soundsn" + "Alerts and Home Screen Badges for thenapplications below."){ new BooleanElement ("Notifications", false) } }}, new Section (){ CreateSoundSection (), new RootElement ("Brightness"){ new Section (){ new FloatElement (null, null, 0.5f), new BooleanElement ("Auto-brightness", false), } }, new RootElement ("Wallpaper"){ new Section (){ new ImageElement ("flowers.png"), new ImageElement ("sand.png"), new ImageElement ("sky.png") } } }, new Section () { new EntryElement ("Login", "Your login name", "miguel"), new EntryElement ("Password", "Your password", "password", true), new DateElement ("Select Date", DateTime.Now), new TimeElement ("Select Time", DateTime.Now), }, }[/code]
You can check out the full MonoTouch.Dialog samples from GitHub.