For the past month, we have been running a low-key challenge to flex the new Xamarin.Forms 3.6 feature, Visual with Material Design. For more information about what Visual is and what you can do with it, hit the blog announcement. Now through the end of March, we’re upping the stakes.
The Visual Challenge
Take a screen from a recent mobile application that looks the same or mostly the same on Android and iOS. Then spend an hour reproducing it using the Visual enabled template with Material Design. Be sure to take notes along the way.
When you’re happy with the result or exhausted, submit a pull request back to the repository. Include:
- Screenshot of the sample screen you are reproducing
- Screenshots from Android and iOS of the results
- Notes of what went well, what didn’t, and what you want to see next
As of this article we have 11 submissions, including this example from Glenn Versweyveld.
Glenn’s notes:
- Frame on iOS: how to set the styling for Material? The shadow is too big on the stories list.
- Title for shell section on android: how can I center it like iOS.
- Bottom tab bar on Android: why is the unselected color not applied to the icon like iOS.
- Default labels color are not the same for iOS and Android? See bird name in the Nearby birds flex layout list. iOS is black, android is grey.
- Flexlayout item template: can we bind the data template through use of a static resource?
Your Swag Awaits
We have a limited amount of Xamarin goodies to reward participation, so don’t delay! The first 18 pull requests will get a monkey, and everyone will get a sticker pack. The challenge ends on March 31st.
Where is the repository?
I cannot share images of my app due to NDA. What should I do?
Fake it. Replace the identifiable stuff with replacement images, logos, and content. We’ll get the idea.
How will I get the swag?
We’ll ship it to you. Be sure to submit your shipping information to
Can I participate outside the United States?
Absolutely. We will ship internationally as well.
When does the challenge end?
To qualify for swag, submit your completed pull requests by March 31st.