June 4th, 2021

Windows ML NuGet Package 1.8.0 official release

Alex Zakhvatov
Program Manager

Windows ML NuGet package 1.8.0 is now available! This release includes new features and optimization work for Windows ML APIs and DirectML. 

Key Windows ML Feature Updates

Windows ML introduces a new API SetIntraOpThreadSpinning to enable finer-grained control over thread spinning vs context switching. Enabled by default, intra-operator threads will continue spinning for some additional time, waiting for any additional work before switching. This can result in better performance of the current workload and impact the performance of other unrelated workloads as well.

Key DirectML Feature Updates

DirectML Redist package 1.5.1 includes several important features since DML 1.4: 

  • The DirectML redistributable can now execute on ARM/ARM64 machines, supported in both Windows ML and ONNX Runtime NuGet packages. 
  • New operators: AtanYX, ClipGrad, DifferenceSquare, LRNGrad, CumulativeProduct, BatchNormalizationGrad. 
  • Broader support for high dimension counts: BatchNormalization, Cast, Join, LpNormalization, MeanVarianceNormalization, Padding, Tile, TopK. 
  • Substantial performance improvements for several operators including Convolution and Resize. 

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Alex Zakhvatov
Program Manager

Program Manager for the Windows AI developer platform. Focusing on ML model inferencing through Windows ML APIs and working toward making AI/ML solutions available for every developer and consumer.


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