Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

The Visual Studio family welcomes you at Microsoft Build 2021

Come join us at Microsoft Build, our largest developer conference, to explore what’s new in tech. This year, Build will be kicking off at 8:00 AM Pacific Time on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 (see in your time zone).You can expect an event packed with exciting product announcements, live keynotes, breakout sessions with cool demos, and Q&A with...

Finding Bugs with AddressSanitizer: Patterns from Open Source Projects

AddressSanitizer (ASan) was officially released in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.9. We recently used this feature to find and fix a bug in the MSVC compiler itself. To further validate the usefulness of our ASan implementation, we also used it on a collection of widely used open-source projects where it found bugs in Boost, Azure IoT C SDK, ...

Announcing Visual Studio 2022

Read all about the vision for the recently-announced Visual Studio 2022. It will be feature-rich and full of improvements that make you a happier developer. And did we mention it's 64-bit...

Enhanced Productivity with Git in Visual Studio

We continue to enhance the Git experience in Visual Studio and are excited to announce some long-awaited updates in version 16.10 Preview 2. You can download the latest Preview and run it right alongside your main release, leaving your production installation undisturbed...

Visual Studio 2019 v16.10 Preview 2 Releases Today

We are excited to announce the release of Visual Studio v16.10 preview 2. This release continues a theme of developer productivity and convenience. We’ve added C++20 ranges, IntelliSense completions, and new features for testing, Docker tooling enhancements, and Git integration...

Announcing .NET 6 Preview 3

Today, we are delighted to release .NET 6 Preview 3. This release is dedicated almost entirely to low-level performance features. These are the types of improvements that many folks don’t necessarily always fully appreciate, but they help a lot for many apps. Most of these improvements apply to the CLR type system directly, either making it ...

Announcing .NET Multi-platform App UI Preview 3

With .NET 6 Preview 3 we are shipping the latest progress for mobile and desktop development with .NET Multi-platform App UI. This release adds the Windows platform with WinUI 3, improves the base application and startup builder, adds native lifecycle events, and continues to add more UI controls and layout capabilities. We are ...

Announcing Open Source C# standardization

The C# compilers have been open source since 2014, now in the dotnet/roslyn repository. The dotnet/csharplang split off to provide a dedicate public space for the innovation and evolution of the C# language. Now, dotnet/csharpstandard completes the group, providing a public space for the ongoing work to document the standard for the ...

.NET 5 NuGet Restore Failures on Linux distributions using NSS or ca-certificates

We will be releasing updated builds of NuGet this week to accommodate NuGet restore failures on Linux distributions. The failures are observed when updated versions of the NSS or ca-certificates packages are installed. Users of .NET 5 and .NET 6 must upgrade to the latest .NET SDK builds in order to ensure continued functional use of the...