Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Changes to script debugging in Visual Studio 15.7

We’re always looking for ways to make developing with Visual Studio faster.  One of the tasks developers do many times a day is launching debugging sessions.  We identified that script debugging added about 1.5s per F5, but only about 15.5% of people actively debugged script using Visual Studio...

CMake Support in Visual Studio – Configuration Templates

Visual Studio 2017 15.8 Preview 3 is now available and it includes several improvements to the CMake tools. In addition to a few fixes we have simplified the way you can configure your CMakeSettings.json file by adding configuration templates. If you are new to CMake in Visual Studio, check out how to get started...

Azure.Source – Volume 38

Announcements at GeekWire Cloud Tech Summit Microsoft from GeekWire Cloud Tech Summit: New Azure innovations will advance the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge - Mark Russinovich CTO, Microsoft Azure, covers announcements he made at the GeekWire Cloud Tech Summit. He also discussed how customers are using the cloud and what the future ...

Supercharging the Git Commit Graph

Have you ever run and waited a few seconds before the window appears? Have you struggled to visualize your commit history into a sane order of contributions instead of a stream of parallel work? Have you ever run a force-push and waited seconds for Git to give any output? You may be having performance issues due to the number of commits in ...

What’s new in VSTS Sprint 135 Update

The Sprint 135 Update of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) has rolled out to all accounts. In this Update release progress gets a lot more visual. With the new release progress views, artifacts, environments, and deployment progress are now presented in a much more rich and graphical way so that you can spot problems or take action to keep ...

More Cross-Platform APIs with Xamarin.Essentials Latest Preview

We announced Xamarin.Essentials, a core set of cross-platform APIs to help developers build native apps, at Microsoft Build 2018. Xamarin.Essentials gives developers access to over thirty platform-specific APIs that can be accessed from their shared code, including geolocation, secure storage, sensors, device information, and many more. Best ...

Microsoft from GeekWire Cloud Tech Summit: New Azure innovations will advance the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge

At Microsoft, we’re continually releasing technology that’s inspired by our customers and what you tell us you need to make the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge a reality for your businesses. For example, you may need to build applications to work in remote areas with low connectivity. Or you need to store, access, and drive insights...

Announcing Template IntelliSense (C++)

C++ developers using function templates and class templates can now take full advantage of IntelliSense within their template bodies. In Visual Studio 2017 15.8 Preview 3, when your caret is inside a template, a new UI element called a “Template Bar” appears next to the template definition. The Template Bar allows you to provide sample ...