VSTS/TFS Roadmap update for 2018 Q1 and Q2

App Center Team

We recently published an update to the “Features under development” roadmap on our Features timeline. This feature list, although subject to change and not comprehensive, provides visibility into our key investments in the medium term. We update the feature list as part of our agile planning rhythms, about every 9 weeks. Some of the features link to deep dive blog posts or articles where you can find out more. We also denote the version of on-premises TFS we expect the feature to be included in, often after getting mileage on VSTS. Here are a few features that are particularly noteworthy.

Code: Add required reviewers as a contributor

You’ll soon be able to get a little more specific in pull requests. In Q1 we plan to allow pull request contributors to add required reviewers instead of merely relying on branch policies.

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