January 5th, 2018

Distribute Apps Faster with Visual Studio App Center and Azure Functions (Part I)

As members of the Visual Studio App Center team, we’re driven to create an easy-to-use, web-based user experience, and our API-first mentality steers our product decisions. We’ve designed App Center to give you and your team ultimate flexibility and freedom: you pick and choose the components that best fit your needs, so you have more time to focus on building features your customers want, not managing day-to-day manual or redundant tasks.

In this post, I’ll share ways to set up a continuous release pipeline that redistributes your app to beta testers, without any manual work, based on crash and analytics data. With nothing more than Azure Functions to help drive an automation script and some basic App Center set up, you can automatically move releases between distribution groups.

I’ll expand on this topic in upcoming posts, covering automatic releases to app stores and getting urgent hotfixes to your customers with CodePush.
