Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Using ML.NET for deep learning on images in Azure

In March 2020, ML.NET added support for training Image Classification models in Azure. Although the image classification scenario was released in late 2019, users were limited by the resources on their local compute environments. Training in Azure enables users to scale image classification scenarios by using GPU optimized Linux virtual ...

Exposure Notification API Support for Xamarin Apps

Last month, Apple and Google announced plans for creating Exposure Notification APIs. By leveraging Bluetooth Low Energy, this help developers implement contact tracing for both iOS and Android. Our team has been tracking the releases of these APIs to ready them for Xamarin developers. Today, we are pleased to announce our first preview of ...

Configuring Azure Services and emulators using Visual Studio

Starting with Visual Studio 16.6 Preview 2 the Connected Services tab offers a new experience called Service Dependencies. You can use it to connect your app to Azure services such as Azure SQL, Storage, Key Vault and many others. Wherever possible local emulation options are also available and more are planned for the future...

Vcpkg 2020.04 Update and Product Roadmap

This is the April 2020 blog post on vcpkg, the cross-platform, open source C/C++ library manager. In this post, we will share some information on the 2020.04 release of vcpkg and discuss the vcpkg product roadmap, which we are publishing and will keep up to date over time. To try out vcpkg for yourself and save yourself some time acquiring ...

Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Release Candidate now available

The Blazor WebAssembly Release Candidate is here! This release contains all of the features and improvements that we expect to release for the upcoming Blazor WebAssembly release. There are no more breaking changes planned at this point. Please give the Blazor WebAssembly Release Candidate a try and let us know what you think...

Introducing C# Source Generators

We’re pleased to introduce the first preview of Source Generators, a new C# compiler feature that lets C# developers inspect user code and generate new C# source files that can be added to a compilation. This is done via a new kind of component that we’re calling a Source Generator.  ...