Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Announcing TypeScript 3.8

Today we’re proud to release TypeScript 3.8! For those unfamiliar with TypeScript, it’s a language that adds syntax for types on top of JavaScript which can be analyzed through a process called static type-checking. This type-checking can tell us about errors like typos and values that are potentially  and  before we even run our ...

TraceProcessor 1.0.0

TraceProcessor version 1.0.0 is now available on NuGet with the following package ID: Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Processing.All...

Xamarin.Forms & Xamarin.Essentials Go AndroidX

Last week we released our official stable NuGet packages for AndroidX, which are an exciting replacement for the Android Support Libraries. AndroidX streamlines components into smaller and easier to update libraries for developers to consume. In the post last week, we also outlined several ways to start migrating your Android applications ...

Easily Add, Remove, and Rename Files and Targets in CMake Projects

It’s easier than ever to work with CMake projects in Visual Studio 2019 16.5 Preview 2. Now you can add, remove, and rename source files and targets in your CMake projects from the IDE without manually editing your CMake scripts. When you add or remove files with the Solution Explorer, Visual Studio will automatically edit your CMake ...