Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Xamarin.Forms 4.3 is live! Introducing CollectionView

Today we’re incredibly pleased to announce the stable release of Xamarin.Forms 4.3.0. This release marks the removal of the experimental flag from CollectionView as it moves into stable status. Along with this, comes a number of enhancements and contributions from the community. Including SourceLink support, the ability to display HTML on ...

October 2019 unified Azure SDK preview

Welcome back to another release of the unified Azure Data client libraries. For the most part, the API surface areas of the SDKs have been stabilized based on your feedback. Thank you to everyone who has been submitting issues on GitHub and keep the feedback coming...

Upcoming SameSite Cookie Changes in ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core

SameSite is a 2016 extension to HTTP cookies intended to mitigate cross site request forgery (CSRF). The original design was an opt-in feature which could be used by adding a new SameSite property to cookies. It had two values, Lax and Strict. Setting the value to Lax indicated the cookie should be sent on navigation within the same site, or ...

Fall .NET Core Survey

It’s been a busy time for .NET Core – we just shipped 3.0, and are currently working on a few updates for v3.1 (due in November.) As we turn our attention to .NET Core 5.0, we want to take a step back and see what you are doing with .NET Core and how we can make it even better...

What Windows 10, version 1909 Means for Developers

As stated in this article, Windows 10, version 1909 is a scoped set of features for select performance improvements, enterprise features and quality enhancements. Developers should be aware of this release, but no action is necessary at this time...

Announcing .NET Core 3.1 Preview 1

Today, we’re announcing .NET Core 3.1 Preview 1. .NET Core 3.1 will be a small release focused on key improvements in Blazor and Windows desktop, the two big additions in .NET Core 3.0. It will be a long term support (LTS) release with an expected final ship date of December 2019...

Usability Improvements for CMake in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4: Launch Target Selection and Overview Pages

We hear your feedback, and in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 Preview 2 we have addressed one of our top Developer Community issues related to CMake development in Visual Studio by revamping the selection of CMake launch targets. We have also added Overview Pages for CMake to help you get started with CMake and cross-platform development. If ...

Visual Studio 2019 v16.4 Preview 2, Fall Sports, and Pumpkin Spice

Here at our Redmond campus in the Pacific Northwest, we are cloaked with a brilliant display of fall colors and team members walking around in their favorite American football jerseys often with coffee in hand. While I may not have confirmed, I suspect fall flavors are hinted in the steamy beverages...