Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Updates to synchronous autoload of extensions in Visual Studio 2019

Since announcing that Visual Studio 2019 v16.1 will block any extension from synchronously autoloading, we’ve seen a tremendous effort of both 1st and 3rd-party extensions to implement async background load. It’s been truly amazing to see the community of extension authors stepping up to the task. Many even did it long before we announced ...

Moving from Node.js to .NET Core

Here on Visual Studio App Center, our platform is built as a set of microservices, which has afforded teams to make language and platform choices that work best for them, and ultimately allowed us to move and iterate quickly. Over time, two distinct stacks have emerged...

Welcome to the Shell Era: Xamarin.Forms 4.0 Released

For the past year, Xamarin has been on a focused journey to improve your productivity by reducing your complexity when building cross-platform mobile applications. Notice the reference to “your” complexity, and not some abstract notion of complexity. That is because the Xamarin team spends countless hours obsessing over feedback, using ...

Visual interface for Azure Machine Learning service

During Microsoft Build we announced the preview of the visual interface for Azure Machine Learning service. This new drag-and-drop workflow capability in Azure Machine Learning service simplifies the process of building, testing, and deploying machine learning models for customers who prefer a visual experience to a coding experience. This ...

Introducing Visual Studio App Center Auth

For the past few months, the team has been working to develop a seamless identity management service to easily manage user identities at scale in Visual Studio App Center. Today, we’re really excited to launch App Center Auth in early preview! (image...

Announcing Entity Framework 6.3 Preview with .NET Core Support

The first preview of the EF 6.3 runtime is now available in NuGet. Note that the package is versioned as 6.3.0-preview5. We plan to continue releasing previews of EF 6.3 every month in alignment with the .NET Core 3.0 previews, until we ship the final version...

General Availability For Azure Dev Spaces

Last week at Build, we announced general availability of Azure Dev Spaces. This add-on for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) enables your team to develop applications with cloud velocity. Run your service in a live AKS cluster and test it end-to-end, without affecting your teammates. Save maintenance time and money by allowing your entire dev ...