Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac now available for download

Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Visual Studio 2019 for Mac – the next major version of our .NET IDE on the Mac. This release is now available as an update in the Stable channel for existing Visual Studio for Mac users, and new users can download and install it today as well. You also can learn more about the new...

Introducing Time Travel Debugging for Visual Studio Enterprise 2019

The Time Travel Debugging (TTD) preview in Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 provides the ability to record a Web app running on a Azure Virtual Machine (VM) and then accurately reconstruct and replay the execution path. TTD integrates with our Snapshot Debugger offering and allows you to rewind and replay each line of code however many times you ...

Visual Studio 2019 .NET productivity

Your friendly neighborhood .NET productivity team (aka. Roslyn) focuses a lot on improving the .NET coding experience. Sometimes it’s the little refactorings and code fixes that really improve your workflow. You may have seen many improvements in the previews, but for all of you who were eagerly awaiting the GA release here’s a few ...

Introducing the Xamarin.iOS Interpreter

Historically iOS applications have had a number of limitations when running on a device, as Apple disallows the execution of dynamically generated code. Applications are compiled “Ahead of Time” (AOT) before deployment because of this. You can read more about this architecture here...

Visual Studio 2019 now available for download

Visual Studio 2019 is generally available today and available for download. With Visual Studio 2019, you and your teams will become more productive in building current and future projects as you benefit from the innovation in the IDE that makes every keystroke count...

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac now available for download

Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Visual Studio 2019 for Mac – the next major version of our .NET IDE on the Mac. This release is now available as an update in the Stable channel for existing Visual Studio for Mac users, and new users can download and install it today as well. You also can learn more about the new...

Live Share now included with Visual Studio 2019

We’re excited to announce the general availability of Visual Studio Live Share, and that it is now included with Visual Studio 2019! In the year since Live Share began its public preview, we’ve been working to enhance the many ways you collaborate with your team. This release is the culmination of that work, and all the things we’ve ...

What’s New for Xamarin Developers in Visual Studio 2019

Visual Studio 2019 is the next major version of Visual Studio which is now generally available (GA)! With this version, there is a lot to love. From real-time collaboration with colleagues using Visual Studio Live Share to the new Visual Studio start window as well as delights like per-monitor DPI support and improved debug capabilities. We ...