Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Adding caching to Azure Pipelines

For a long while, Azure Pipelines users have been asking to improve performance on the hosted build agents by adding caching for common scenarios like package restore. The issue came up in a recent popular Hacker News item, so we wanted to share an update...

What’s New in CMake – Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2

We have made a bunch of improvements to Visual Studio’s CMake support in the latest preview of the IDE. Many of these changes are taking the first steps to close the gap between working with solutions generated by CMake and the IDE’s native support. Please try out the preview and let us know what you think...

Azure DevOps Roadmap update for 2019 Q1

Last week we updated the Features Timeline to provide visibility on our key investments for this quarter.  The features listed below link to the public roadmap project where you can find more details about each item...

Using containerized services in your pipeline

Azure Pipelines has supported container jobs for a while now. You craft a container with exactly the versions of exactly the tools you need, and we’ll run your pipeline steps inside that container. Recently we expanded our container support to include service containers: additional, helper containers accessible to your pipeline...

Announcing F# 4.6 Preview

We’re excited to announce that Visual Studio 2019 will ship a new version of F# when it releases: F# 4.6...

Automating Releases in GitHub through Azure Pipelines

Do you own a GitHub repository? Do you create releases on GitHub to distribute software packages? Do you manually compile a list of changes to be included in release notes? If yes, you will be excited to know that you can now automate creation and modification of GitHub Releases directly from Azure Pipelines. This can be done through the ...

Concurrency Code Analysis in Visual Studio 2019 (C++)

The battle against concurrency bugs poses a serious challenge to C++ developers. The problem is exacerbated by the advent of multi-core and many-core architectures. To cope with the increasing complexity of multithreaded software, it is essential to employ better tools and processes to help developers adhere to proper locking discipline. In ...

Debugging .NET Apps with Time Travel Debugging (TTD)

When you are debugging an application, there are many tools and techniques you can use, like logs, memory dumps and Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). In this post, we will talk about Time Travel Debugging, a tool used by Microsoft Support and product teams and more advanced users, but I encourage everyone to try this approach when diagnosing ...