Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Microsoft joins Cloud Foundry Foundation

From when we first launched Azure Virtual Machines, I have had the pleasure of working with fantastic community partners and customers. We have built new open-source technologies and have made numerous community contributions. Making Azure an open, flexible, and portable platform takes a lot of friends...

Demystifying Build Configurations

I’m sure everyone is familiar with the Debug and Release configurations in most solution templates in use. It seems obvious to use the Debug configuration when building your project for debugging and to use the Release configuration when building your project for release. What may be less clear, though, is what’s actually happening when ...

What does an Agile/DevOps organization look like?

I want to share an experience that highlights why I am so proud of the organization I work in.  The experience is expressed in the form of an email thread that I had this week.  Times/timezones are a little whacky because there were 3 – the customer’s, mine and the engineer’s.  But the whole thread, from my perspective, started on ...

Diagnose sudden changes in your app behavior with a click!

Spikes or steps in the telemetry of your app can now be easily diagnosed. When you use Application Insights Analytics to explore app metrics over time, sudden changes, such as spikes or dips, are highlighted. With one click, Smart Diagnostics will find a pattern (a series of data with common values) that correlates with the change, and explain...

Mobile Center plugin for fastlane

Fastlane helps to streamline your iOS and Android build process by taking care of tedious and repetitive tasks and thus saves developer time. With HockeyApp and fastlane, you can already simplify beta distribution significantly...

Unleashed: Embedding Xamarin.Forms in Xamarin Native

If you’re anything like me, when you’re ready to start coding a new application you face the question, “Xamarin Native or Xamarin.Forms?” The only correct answer should be “yes”. In fact, I want to show you how this shouldn’t be a choice at all; you can just start coding with total confidence that you’re on the right path...