Visual Studio news feed

Visual Studio news feed

Optimize your productivity with .NET in Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio 2017 makes you more productive by getting you to your code fast and helping you write code quickly. With improvements to performance, navigation, and debugging as well as the additions of new refactorings, code style configuration/enforcement, and live unit testing, this release is chock full of advancements. This post shows you ...

Live Unit Testing in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise

Live Unit Testing is present in the Enterprise edition of Visual Studio 2017 and it’s available for C# and VB projects that target the .NET Framework. This is a more comprehensive blog than the one we published in November. In this blog, we focus on all capabilities including some that were not mentioned in the earlier blog. It also includes...

Iterations on infinity – Building the icon for Visual Studio 2017

Developers like you live with the Visual Studio icons every day: clicking on them multiple times, staring at them side by side on the taskbar, and seeing them attached to project files. So when we update them, it’s a big deal. After all, icons matter. For pictures that are at most just under a centimeter wide on a normal display (or under ...

SQL Server Data Tools 17.0 RC, and SSDT in VS2017

It’s been a busy few months for SSDT with multiple Release Candidate releases of the 17.0 major release, and Visual Studio 2017 shipped last week. Here’s a quick update on the latest & greatest database tools updates you can try out...

Happy Anniversary, Visual Studio! (Office Developer Blog)

On behalf of the Office developer teams, congratulations to the Visual Studio team on their launch of Visual Studio 2017 and on their 20th anniversary! In those 20 years, Visual Studio has caused big shifts in the developer world. The changes it has ushered in for Office development are no less significant...

Mobile Center: Xamarin support, detailed app analytics, and more

Since our announcement of the Visual Studio Mobile Center Preview at Connect();,  we’ve had an amazing response from the developer community. I’d like to thank the thousands of you who’ve created accounts, kicked the tires of our lifecycle services, and provided feedback to help us create the simplest, most effective way to build, test...

New benefits for Visual Studio subscribers and Dev Essentials members

Today at the Visual Studio 2017 launch event we announced a set of new and updated benefits for our subscribers. If you missed any of the event or want to watch the on-demand trainings, check out the launch event page. If you’re a current Visual Studio subscriber or Dev Essentials program member activate your new benefits to get started ...

Run To Click Debugging in Visual Studio 2017

You have many options when navigating through your code with the debugger in Visual Studio including setting breakpoints, stepping, and using Run to Cursor. In Visual Studio 2017 we have introduced Run to Click, a new way to more easily debug your code – point and click style. You no longer need to set temporary breakpoints or step several ...

Announcing .NET Core Tools 1.0

Today, we are releasing .NET Core Tools 1.0. It’s an exciting day and an important milestone in the .NET Core journey. The tools are supported on Windows, macOS and Linux. You can use them at the command-line, with VS Code or as part of Visual Studio 2017...