June 15th, 2021

Visual Studio 2019 16.11 Preview 2

Visual Studio 2019 16.11 preview 2 is available today! Version 16.11 focuses on enhancing the stability and security of Visual Studio 2019. For features included in this release see the 16.11 Preview 1 blog post or check out the release notes.

Download the latest Visual Studio 2019 preview to try it out. Help us make this the best version of Visual Studio 2019 by giving us feedback on Developer Community or reporting a problem.

Version 16.11 will be the final version of Visual Studio 2019 and receive support through April 2029. Additionally, the final release of 16.11 will be a servicing baseline. So, it will start the 12-month support clock for the prior baseline – version 16.9. We offer fixes for servicing baselines for 12 months after the next baseline is declared. This differs from minor version releases, like 16.10, which only receive servicing fixes until the next minor update is released. Organizations can choose when to adopt the new features that ship in minor version updates with servicing baselines.

It’s a good time for developers, administrators, and DevOps managers to review their current version usage. Version 16.4 will go out of support in October. Administrators should plan for migration and consider testing the final release of Visual Studio 2019. You can install preview versions of Visual Studio side-by-side with the Release Channel!

Thank you for participating in our previews and helping us make Visual Studio the best developer experience. We hope you will try the preview, give us feedback on Developer Community, and report any problems you encounter.


Justin is a Senior Program Manager on the Visual Studio Release team, working on content and communication around new Visual Studio features and the product roadmap. Justin has worked in the software industry for over 10 years, serving as a software engineer, architect, consultant, and product manager. In his spare time, he enjoys building indie video games and playing music.


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  • Brien King

    Here is an idea, why not fix all the major bugs in 16.10 first? 16.10 has been the worst version of Visual Studio in a LONG time. So much critical functionality broken, but at least you have time to update icons for no reason.

  • Mohsen Sabzpooshan

    Dear Mark Wilson-Thomas
    There was a good way to be a programmer of learning Visual Basic to C#. By dot net Core, this way was blind. I has a lot of students that became professional programmer by this way. Of course, it is nice to say, those student’s course was not computer’s science branches. Do you have any force for evaluating this situation?
    You can put this request to vote.

  • Andrey Shevchenko

    Still waiting for header units to be fixed. 3 months ago I reported a couple of critical problems that do now allow me and every Unreal Engine user in the world to use header units with Unreal Engine monstrocity. I have about two minutes of rebuilding time everytime I modify a file in my project. This is killing me. Header units can solve this problem, but it’s broken at the moment.

    • Cameron DaCamaraMicrosoft employee

      Hi Andrey,

      Do you have a reference to the DevComm bug you filed? I’m happy to take a look at it for you. Additionally, if you have a reference to your project I can try building it with header units myself to tease any remaining compiler bugs out.

  • Gregor Jasny

    Could you please tell when the clang-cl will be upgraded from clang 11 to version 12?
    Will that happen in VS2019 or ist that VS2022 stuff?


  • Mike Diack

    Why is the broken behaviour of the VS 2015-2019 C++ runtime (it's now silently broken on XP - for reasons which I _DO_ understand and sympathise with) still not documented. I understand that the problem exists and the reasons behind it, and that it's unfixable (apart from preventing the VC++ redist installing on XP), BUT:
    Why oh why - is it still not documented as a known issue both with VS 2019 Update 10.x and...

    Read more
