We’re excited to announce that you can now subscribe to the Visual Studio blog via email! By subscribing, you’ll get the latest updates on Visual Studio delivered straight to your inbox. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love getting fun and exciting emails?
Here are some benefits of subscribing:
- You’ll be the first to know about new features and updates. That means you’ll be ahead of the game when it comes to all things Visual Studio!
- You’ll be able to stay up to date on the latest news about Visual Studio and related technologies. We know you’re passionate about software development, and we are too! That’s why we’re committed to keeping you in the loop.
- You’ll be able to connect with other developers and share your ideas and experiences. We believe that community is key when it comes to software development, and we want you to be a part of ours!

To subscribe, simply leave your email address in the subscription box at the bottom of this or any other page on this website. And make sure emails from dblgsnews@microsoft.com don’t end up in your spam filter.
I have 2-3 MS dev blogs I like reading, but it’s too much of a pain to book mark each one’s feed and occasionally open it to check for new blog posts, so this is great! 
Pass… the last thing I need is even more email spam to wade through.
I much prefer the blog so I can pick and choose the topics, if any, I am interested in reading. As opposed to having my inbox flooded by whatever marketing/ads Microsoft chooses to include. This feels like a huge step backwards, not forwards.
So, if I am subscribing do I only get mail if something is posted on visual studio (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/category/visual-studio/) or do I get mail from every blog eg. c# https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/category/csharp/
dblgs = that is one hell of a acronym for devblogs.
My tounge is hurting trying to actually speak it out loud.
You receive only email from posts on the Visual Studio blogs. You’ll have to sign up to the other blogs to get their content.
I’m sticking with RSS if it’s all the same to you. I know I’m probably one of only dozens of people still using it, but it’s going to make a big comeback any day now, mark my words. It’ll be like the vinyl of internet text content, just you watch. No, I’m not crazy, stop looking at me like that.
I’m right there with you on RSS
I am more likely to read from the RSS feed in Outlook than I am to read another email message. I get other emails from MS with developer content, but I just delete them. But the RSS feed is only the topics I know I am interested in, so I take more time to read them. When Google and others tried to kill RSS because they could not make money on the feeds, they did a significant disservice to the Internet.
I too am a long time RSS fan. Will there be anything sent out via email that will not show up in the RSS feed, or can I be confident that I won’t miss anything if I just stick with RSS? Thanks. BTW, I really, really like your Rainbow Braces and Solution Colors extensions, they’re literally the first extensions that I install.
Change logs would be wonderful though!