October 27th, 2009

FIXED: Comments are not getting posted

Update: We have diagnosed and fixed the issue that was causing comments to be discarded.  If you were trying to post a comment in the last few days, we’d appreciate it if you could repost — we love to hear feedback.  If you are having any more issues with your comments appearing on the blog, please send a mail to vsblog AT microsoft DOT com. 

We’re currently experiencing issues regarding our comment system, and if you post a comment it may not appear on the blog.  It’s unclear whether the comments are getting discarded or are stored somewhere where we can’t access them.  We are investigating the issue ASAP and I will let you know when it has been fixed.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Weston Hutchins
Program Manager – VS Platform


Visual Studio has been around since 1997 when it first released many of its programming tools in a bundle. Back then it came in 2 editions - Visual Studio Professional and Visual Studio Enterprise. Since then the family has expanded to include many more products, tools, and services.


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