June 13th, 2007

Slide Deck and Samples for LINQ Best Practices (Beth Massi)

Lisa Feigenbaum gave a great webcast this morning on LINQ best practices (if you missed it, just click the link and view it on-demand). Here is the deck and the samples she used.

Please Note: The sample code is based on a more recent build of Visual Studio 2008 so some of the Join syntax may not work in Beta 1.  We felt it important, however, to release this to the community early so you could see the latest syntax for LINQ.

Happy LINQing!

Beth Massi, Program Manager VS Community



Beth is a Product Manager on the .NET MAUI team at Microsoft and responsible for making native device and hybrid web development in Visual Studio a delightful experience. Formerly the Marketing Director and Community Manager for .NET as well as serving on the Board of Directors for the .NET Foundation, she’s spent her career helping .NET developers be successful.