In the July/August issue of CoDe Magazine there’s an article I wrote with Avner Aharoni (the Program Manager on XML literals) called Sharpening Your Axis with Visual Basic 9. (They just opened up online access to even non-subscribers today!) I highly recommend this article which shows you from the beginning how XML literals, embedded expressions and axis properties work in Visual Basic.
I start with the basic syntax and definitions and then walk through the XML to Schema tool (which has been added to VS2008 SP1) to enable XML IntelliSense, as well as show some practical examples of using these features with LINQ. Avner describes how IntelliSense works and discusses advanced scenarios with XML namespaces. We end with tips-and-tricks which get you thinking about using XML literals in other text generation/manipulation scenarios.
If you like this topic, so do I! Check out the XML topic feed from my blog for more resources.
–Beth Massi, VS Community