Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.6!
If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by adding syntax for types. Types describe the shapes we expect of our variables, parameters, and functions, and the TypeScript type-checker can help catch issues like typos, missing properties, and bad function calls before we even run our code. Types also power TypeScript’s editor tooling like the auto-completion, code navigation, and refactorings that you might see in editors like Visual Studio and VS Code. In fact, if you write JavaScript in either of those editors, that experience is powered by TypeScript! You can learn more at the TypeScript website.
You can get started using TypeScript using npm with the following command:
npm install -D typescript
or through NuGet.
What’s New Since the Beta and RC?
Since TypeScript 5.6 beta, we reverted a change around how TypeScript’s language service searched for tsconfig.json
Previously the language service would keep walking up looking for every possible project file named tsconfig.json
that might contain a file.
Because this could lead to opening many referenced projects, we reverted the behavior and are investigating ways to bring back the behavior in TypeScript 5.7.
Additionally, several new types have been renamed since the beta.
Previously, TypeScript provided a single type called BuiltinIterator
to describe every value backed by Iterator.prototype
It has been renamed IteratorObject
, has a different set of type parameters, and now has several subtypes like ArrayIterator
, MapIterator
, and more.
A new flag called --stopOnBuildErrors
has been added for --build
When a project builds with any errors, no other projects will continue to be built.
This provides something close to the behavior of previous versions of TypeScript since TypeScript 5.6 always builds in the face of errors.
New editor functionality has been added such as direct support for commit characters and exclude patterns for auto-imports.
Disallowed Nullish and Truthy Checks
Maybe you’ve written a regex and forgotten to call .test(...)
on it:
if (/0x[0-9a-f]/) {
// Oops! This block always runs.
// ...
or maybe you’ve accidentally written =>
(which creates an arrow function) instead of >=
(the greater-than-or-equal-to operator):
if (x => 0) {
// Oops! This block always runs.
// ...
or maybe you’ve tried to use a default value with ??
, but mixed up the precedence of ??
and a comparison operator like <
function isValid(value: string | number, options: any, strictness: "strict" | "loose") {
if (strictness === "loose") {
value = +value
return value < options.max ?? 100;
// Oops! This is parsed as (value < options.max) ?? 100
or maybe you’ve misplaced a parenthesis in a complex expression:
if (
isValid(primaryValue, "strict") || isValid(secondaryValue, "strict") ||
isValid(primaryValue, "loose" || isValid(secondaryValue, "loose"))
) {
// ^^^^
Did we forget a closing ')'?
None of these examples do what the author intended, but they’re all valid JavaScript code. Previously TypeScript also quietly accepted these examples.
But with a little bit of experimentation, we found that many many bugs could be caught from flagging down suspicious examples like above. In TypeScript 5.6, the compiler now errors when it can syntactically determine a truthy or nullish check will always evaluate in a specific way. So in the above examples, you’ll start to see errors:
if (/0x[0-9a-f]/) {
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
// error: This kind of expression is always truthy.
if (x => 0) {
// ~~~~~~
// error: This kind of expression is always truthy.
function isValid(value: string | number, options: any, strictness: "strict" | "loose") {
if (strictness === "loose") {
value = +value
return value < options.max ?? 100;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// error: Right operand of ?? is unreachable because the left operand is never nullish.
if (
isValid(primaryValue, "strict") || isValid(secondaryValue, "strict") ||
isValid(primaryValue, "loose" || isValid(secondaryValue, "loose"))
) {
// ~~~~~~~
// error: This kind of expression is always truthy.
Similar results can be achieved by enabling the ESLint no-constant-binary-expression
rule, and you can see some of the results they achieved in their blog post;
but the new checks TypeScript performs does not have perfect overlap with the ESLint rule, and we also believe there is a lot of value in having these checks built into TypeScript itself.
Note that certain expressions are still allowed, even if they are always truthy or nullish.
Specifically, true
, false
, 0
, and 1
are all still allowed despite always being truthy or falsy, since code like the following:
while (true) {
if (something()) {
is still idiomatic and useful, and code like the following:
if (true || inDebuggingOrDevelopmentEnvironment()) {
// ...
is useful while iterating/debugging code.
If you’re curious about the implementation or the sorts of bugs it catches, take a look at the pull request that implemented this feature.
Iterator Helper Methods
JavaScript has a notion of iterables (things which we can iterate over by calling a [Symbol.iterator]()
and getting an iterator) and iterators (things which have a next()
method which we can call to try to get the next value as we iterate).
By and large, you don’t typically have to think about these things when you toss them into a for
loop, or [...spread]
them into a new array.
But TypeScript does model these with the types Iterable
and Iterator
(and even IterableIterator
which acts as both!), and these types describe the minimal set of members you need for constructs like for
to work on them.
s (and IterableIterator
s) are nice because they can be used in all sorts of places in JavaScript – but a lot of people found themselves missing methods on Array
s like map
, filter
, and for some reason reduce
That’s why a recent proposal was brought forward in ECMAScript to add many methods (and more) from Array
onto most of the IterableIterator
s that are produced in JavaScript.
For example, every generator now produces an object that also has a map
method and a take
function* positiveIntegers() {
let i = 1;
while (true) {
yield i;
const evenNumbers = positiveIntegers().map(x => x * 2);
// Output:
// 2
// 4
// 6
// 8
// 10
for (const value of evenNumbers.take(5)) {
The same is true for methods like keys()
, values()
, and entries()
on Map
s and Set
function invertKeysAndValues<K, V>(map: Map<K, V>): Map<V, K> {
return new Map(
map.entries().map(([k, v]) => [v, k])
You can also extend the new Iterator
* Provides an endless stream of `0`s.
class Zeroes extends Iterator<number> {
next() {
return { value: 0, done: false } as const;
const zeroes = new Zeroes();
// Transform into an endless stream of `1`s.
const ones = => x + 1);
And you can adapt any existing Iterable
s or Iterator
s into this new type with Iterator.from
All these new methods work as long as you’re running on a newer JavaScript runtime, or you’re using a polyfill for the new Iterator
Now, we have to talk about naming.
Earlier we mentioned that TypeScript has types for Iterable
and Iterator
however, like we mentioned, these act sort of like “protocols” to ensure certain operations work.
That means that not every value that is declared Iterable
or Iterator
in TypeScript will have those methods we mentioned above.
But there is still a new runtime value called Iterator
You can reference Iterator
, as well as Iterator.prototype
, as actual values in JavaScript.
This is a bit awkward since TypeScript already defines its own thing called Iterator
purely for type-checking.
So due to this unfortunate name clash, TypeScript needs to introduce a separate type to describe these native/built-in iterable iterators.
TypeScript 5.6 introduces a new type called IteratorObject
It is defined as follows:
interface IteratorObject<T, TReturn = unknown, TNext = unknown> extends Iterator<T, TReturn, TNext> {
[Symbol.iterator](): IteratorObject<T, TReturn, TNext>;
Lots of built-in collections and methods produce subtypes of IteratorObject
s (like ArrayIterator
, SetIterator
, MapIterator
, and more), and both the core JavaScript and DOM types in lib.d.ts
, along with @types/node
, have been updated to use this new type.
Similarly, there is a AsyncIteratorObject
type for parity.
does not yet exist as a runtime value in JavaScript that brings the same methods for AsyncIterable
s, but it is an active proposal and this new type prepares for it.
We’d like to thank Kevin Gibbons who contributed the changes for these types, and who is one of the co-authors of the proposal.
Strict Builtin Iterator Checks (and --strictBuiltinIteratorReturn
When you call the next()
method on an Iterator<T, TReturn>
, it returns an object with a value
and a done
This is modeled with the type IteratorResult
type IteratorResult<T, TReturn = any> = IteratorYieldResult<T> | IteratorReturnResult<TReturn>;
interface IteratorYieldResult<TYield> {
done?: false;
value: TYield;
interface IteratorReturnResult<TReturn> {
done: true;
value: TReturn;
The naming here is inspired by the way a generator function works.
Generator functions can yield
values, and then return
a final value – but the types between the two can be unrelated.
function abc123() {
yield "a";
yield "b";
yield "c";
return 123;
const iter = abc123();; // { value: "a", done: false }; // { value: "b", done: false }; // { value: "c", done: false }; // { value: 123, done: true }
With the new IteratorObject
type, we discovered some difficulties in allowing safe implementations of IteratorObject
At the same time, there’s been a long standing unsafety with IteratorResult
in cases where TReturn
was any
(the default!).
For example, let’s say we have an IteratorResult<string, any>
If we end up reaching for the value
of this type, we’ll end up with string | any
, which is just any
function* uppercase(iter: Iterator<string, any>) {
while (true) {
const { value, done } =;
yield value.toUppercase(); // oops! forgot to check for `done` first and misspelled `toUpperCase`
if (done) {
It would be hard to fix this on every Iterator
today without introducing a lot of breaks, but we can at least fix it with most IteratorObject
s that get created.
TypeScript 5.6 introduces a new intrinsic type called BuiltinIteratorReturn
and a new --strict
-mode flag called --strictBuiltinIteratorReturn
Whenever IteratorObject
s are used in places like lib.d.ts
, they are always written with BuiltinIteratorReturn
type for TReturn
(though you’ll see the more-specific MapIterator
, ArrayIterator
, SetIterator
more often).
interface MapIterator<T> extends IteratorObject<T, BuiltinIteratorReturn, unknown> {
[Symbol.iterator](): MapIterator<T>;
// ...
interface Map<K, V> {
// ...
* Returns an iterable of key, value pairs for every entry in the map.
entries(): MapIterator<[K, V]>;
* Returns an iterable of keys in the map
keys(): MapIterator<K>;
* Returns an iterable of values in the map
values(): MapIterator<V>;
By default, BuiltinIteratorReturn
is any
, but when --strictBuiltinIteratorReturn
is enabled (possibly via --strict
), it is undefined
Under this new mode, if we use BuiltinIteratorReturn
, our earlier example now correctly errors:
function* uppercase(iter: Iterator<string, BuiltinIteratorReturn>) {
while (true) {
const { value, done } =;
yield value.toUppercase();
// ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
// error! ┃ ┃
// ┃ ┗━ Property 'toUppercase' does not exist on type 'string'. Did you mean 'toUpperCase'?
// ┃
// ┗━ 'value' is possibly 'undefined'.
if (done) {
You’ll typically see BuiltinIteratorReturn
paired up with IteratorObject
throughout lib.d.ts
In general, we recommend being more explicit around the TReturn
in your own code when possible.
For more information, you can read up on the feature here.
Support for Arbitrary Module Identifiers
JavaScript allows modules to export bindings with invalid identifier names as string literals:
const banana = "
export { banana as "
" };
Likewise, it allows modules to grab imports with these arbitrary names and bind them to valid identifiers:
import { "
" as banana } from "./foo"
* om nom nom
function eat(food: string) {
console.log("Eating", food);
This seems like a cute party trick (if you’re as fun as we are at parties), but it has its uses for interoperability with other languages (typically via JavaScript/WebAssembly boundaries), since other languages may have different rules for what constitutes a valid identifier.
It can also be useful for tools that generate code, like esbuild with its inject
TypeScript 5.6 now allows you to use these arbitrary module identifiers in your code! We’d like to thank Evan Wallace who contributed this change to TypeScript!
The --noUncheckedSideEffectImports
In JavaScript it’s possible to import
a module without actually importing any values from it.
import "some-module";
These imports are often called side effect imports because the only useful behavior they can provide is by executing some side effect (like registering a global variable, or adding a polyfill to a prototype).
In TypeScript, this syntax has had a pretty strange quirk: if the import
could be resolved to a valid source file, then TypeScript would load and check the file.
On the other hand, if no source file could be found, TypeScript would silently ignore the import
This is surprising behavior, but it partially stems from modeling patterns in the JavaScript ecosystem.
For example, this syntax has also been used with special loaders in bundlers to load CSS or other assets.
Your bundler might be configured in such a way where you can include specific .css
files by writing something like the following:
import "./button-component.css";
export function Button() {
// ...
Still, this masks potential typos on side effect imports.
That’s why TypeScript 5.6 introduces a new compiler option called --noUncheckedSideEffectImports
, to catch these cases.
When --noUncheckedSideEffectImports
is enabled, TypeScript will now error if it can’t find a source file for a side effect import.
import "oops-this-module-does-not-exist";
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// error: Cannot find module 'oops-this-module-does-not-exist' or its corresponding type declarations.
When enabling this option, some working code may now receive an error, like in the CSS example above.
To work around this, users who want to just write side effect import
s for assets might be better served by writing what’s called an ambient module declaration with a wildcard specifier.
It would go in a global file and look something like the following:
// ./src/globals.d.ts
// Recognize all CSS files as module imports.
declare module "*.css" {}
In fact, you might already have a file like this in your project!
For example, running something like vite init
might create a similar vite-env.d.ts
While this option is currently off by default, we encourage users to give it a try!
For more information, check out the implementation here.
The --noCheck
TypeScript 5.6 introduces a new compiler option, --noCheck
, which allows you to skip type checking for all input files.
This avoids unnecessary type-checking when performing any semantic analysis necessary for emitting output files.
One scenario for this is to separate JavaScript file generation from type-checking so that the two can be run as separate phases.
For example, you could run tsc --noCheck
while iterating, and then tsc --noEmit
for a thorough type check.
You could also run the two tasks in parallel, even in --watch
mode, though note you’d probably want to specify a separate --tsBuildInfoFile
path if you’re truly running them at the same time.
is also useful for emitting declaration files in a similar fashion.
In a project where --noCheck
is specified on a project that conforms to --isolatedDeclarations
, TypeScript can quickly generate declaration files without a type-checking pass.
The generated declaration files will rely purely on quick syntactic transformations.
Note that in cases where --noCheck
is specified, but a project does not use --isolatedDeclarations
, TypeScript may still perform as much type-checking as necessary to generate .d.ts
In this sense, --noCheck
is a bit of a misnomer; however, the process will be lazier than a full type-check, only calculating the types of unannotated declarations.
This should be much faster than a full type-check.
is also available via the TypeScript API as a standard option.
Internally, transpileModule
and transpileDeclaration
already used noCheck
to speed things up (at least as of TypeScript 5.5).
Now any build tool should be able to leverage the flag, taking a variety of custom strategies to coordinate and speed up builds.
For more information, see the work done in TypeScript 5.5 to power up noCheck
internally, along with the relevant work to make it publicly available on the command line and
Allow --build
with Intermediate Errors
TypeScript’s concept of project references allows you to organize your codebase into multiple projects and create dependencies between them.
Running the TypeScript compiler in --build
mode (or tsc -b
for short) is the built-in way of actually conducting that build across projects and figuring out which projects and files need to be compiled.
Previously, using --build
mode would assume --noEmitOnError
and immediately stop the build if any errors were encountered.
This meant that “downstream” projects could never be checked and built if any of their “upstream” dependencies had build errors.
In theory, this is a very cromulent approach – if a project has errors, it is not necessarily in a coherent state for its dependencies.
In reality, this sort of rigidity made things like upgrades a pain.
For example, if projectB
depends on projectA
, then people more familiar with projectB
can’t proactively upgrade their code until their dependencies are upgraded.
They are blocked by work on upgrading projectA
As of TypeScript 5.6, --build
mode will continue to build projects even if there are intermediate errors in dependencies.
In the face of intermediate errors, they will be reported consistently and output files will be generated on a best-effort basis;
however, the build will continue to completion on the specified project.
If you want to stop the build on the first project with errors, you can use a new flag called --stopOnBuildErrors
This can be useful when running in a CI environment, or when iterating on a project that’s heavily depended upon by other projects.
Note that to accomplish this, TypeScript now always emits a .tsbuildinfo
file for any project in a --build
invocation (even if --incremental
is not specified).
This is to keep track of the state of how --build
was invoked and what work needs to be performed in the future.
You can read more about this change here on the implementation.
Region-Prioritized Diagnostics in Editors
When TypeScript’s language service is asked for the diagnostics for a file (things like errors, suggestions, and deprecations), it would typically require checking the entire file. Most of the time this is fine, but in extremely large files it can incur a delay. That can be frustrating because fixing a typo should feel like a quick operation, but can take seconds in a big-enough file.
To address this, TypeScript 5.6 introduces a new feature called region-prioritized diagnostics or region-prioritized checking. Instead of just requesting diagnostics for a set of files, editors can now also provide a relevant region of a given file – and the intent is that this will typically be the region of the file that is currently visible to a user. The TypeScript language server can then choose to provide two sets of diagnostics: one for the region, and one for the file in its entirety. This allows editing to feel way more responsive in large files so you’re not waiting as long for thoes red squiggles to disappear.
For some specific numbers, in our testing on TypeScript’s own checker.ts
, a full semantic diagnostics response took 3330ms.
In contrast, the response for the first region-based diagnostics response took 143ms!
While the remaining whole-file response took about 3200ms, this can make a huge difference for quick edits.
This feature also includes quite a bit of work to also make diagnostics report more consistently throughout your experience. Due the way our type-checker leverages caching to avoid work, subsequent checks between the same types could often have a different (typically shorter) error message. Technically, lazy out-of-order checking could cause diagnostics to report differently between two locations in an editor – even before this feature – but we didn’t want to exacerbate the issue. With recent work, we’ve ironed out many of these error inconsistencies.
Currently, this functionality is available in Visual Studio Code for TypeScript 5.6 and later.
For more detailed information, take a look at the implementation and write-up here.
Granular Commit Characters
TypeScript’s language service now provides its own commit characters for each completion item. Commit characters are specific characters that, when typed, will automatically commit the currently-suggested completion item.
What this means is that over time your editor will now more frequently commit to the currently-suggested completion item when you type certain characters. For example, take the following code:
declare let food: {
eat(): any;
let f = (foo/**/
If our cursor is at /**/
, it’s unclear if the code we’re writing is going to be something like let f = (
or let f = (foo, bar) => foo + bar
You could imagine that the editor might be able to auto-complete differently depending on which character we type out next.
For instance, if we type in the period/dot character (.
), we probably want the editor to complete with the variable food
but if we type the comma character (,
), we might be writing out a parameter in an arrow function.
Unfortunately, previously TypeScript just signaled to editors that the current text might define a new parameter name so that no commit characters were safe.
So hitting a .
wouldn’t do anything even if it was “obvious” that the editor should auto-complete with the word food
TypeScript now explicitly lists which characters are safe to commit for each completion item.
While this won’t immediately change your day-to-day experience, editors that support these commit characters should see behavioral improvements over time.
To see those improvements right now, you can now use the TypeScript nightly extension with Visual Studio Code Insiders.
Hitting .
in the code above correctly auto-completes with food
For more information, see the pull request that added commit characters along with our adjustments to commit characters depending on context.
Exclude Patterns for Auto-Imports
TypeScript’s language service now allows you to specify a list of regular expression patterns which will filter away auto-import suggestions from certain specifiers.
For example, if you want to exclude all “deep” imports from a package like lodash
, you could configure the following preference in Visual Studio Code:
"typescript.preferences.autoImportSpecifierExcludeRegexes": [
Or going the other way, you might want to disallow importing from the entry-point of a package:
"typescript.preferences.autoImportSpecifierExcludeRegexes": [
One could even avoid node:
imports by using the following setting:
"typescript.preferences.autoImportSpecifierExcludeRegexes": [
To specify certain regular expression flags like i
or u
, you will need to surround your regular expression with slashes.
When providing surrounding slashes, you’ll need to escape other inner slashes.
"typescript.preferences.autoImportSpecifierExcludeRegexes": [
"^./lib/internal", // no escaping needed
"/^.\\/lib\\/internal/", // escaping needed - note the leading and trailing slashes
"/^.\\/lib\\/internal/i" // escaping needed - we needed slashes to provide the 'i' regex flag
The same settings can be applied for JavaScript through javascript.preferences.autoImportSpecifierExcludeRegexes
in VS Code.
Note that while this option may overlap a bit with typescript.preferences.autoImportFileExcludePatterns
, there are differences.
The existing autoImportFileExcludePatterns
takes a list of glob patterns that exclude file paths.
This might be simpler for a lot of scenarios where you want to avoid auto-importing from specific files and directories, but that’s not always enough.
For example, if you’re using the package @types/node
, the same file declares both fs
and node:fs
, so we can’t use autoImportExcludePatterns
to filter out one or the other.
The new autoImportSpecifierExcludeRegexes
is specific to module specifiers (the specific string we write in our import
statements), so we could write a pattern to exclude fs
or node:fs
without excluding the other.
What’s more, we could write patterns to force auto-imports to prefer different specifier styles (e.g. preferring ./foo/bar.js
over #foo/bar.js
For more information, see the implementation here.
Notable Behavioral Changes
This section highlights a set of noteworthy changes that should be acknowledged and understood as part of any upgrade. Sometimes it will highlight deprecations, removals, and new restrictions. It can also contain bug fixes that are functionally improvements, but which can also affect an existing build by introducing new errors.
Types generated for the DOM may have an impact on type-checking your codebase.
For more information, see linked issues related to DOM and lib.d.ts
updates for this version of TypeScript.
is Always Written
To enable --build
to continue building projects even if there are intermediate errors in dependencies, and to support --noCheck
on the command line, TypeScript now always emits a .tsbuildinfo
file for any project in a --build
This happens regardless of whether --incremental
is actually on.
See more information here.
Respecting File Extensions and package.json
from within node_modules
Before Node.js implemented support for ECMAScript modules in v12, there was never a good way for TypeScript to know whether .d.ts
files it found in node_modules
represented JavaScript files authored as CommonJS or ECMAScript modules.
When the vast majority of npm was CommonJS-only, this didn’t cause many problems – if in doubt, TypeScript could just assume that everything behaved like CommonJS.
Unfortunately, if that assumption was wrong it could allow unsafe imports:
// node_modules/dep/index.d.ts
export declare function doSomething(): void;
// index.ts
// Okay if "dep" is a CommonJS module, but fails if
// it's an ECMAScript module - even in bundlers!
import dep from "dep";
In practice, this didn’t come up very often.
But in the years since Node.js started supporting ECMAScript modules, the share of ESM on npm has grown.
Fortunately, Node.js also introduced a mechanism that can help TypeScript determine if a file is an ECMAScript module or a CommonJS module: the .mjs
and .cjs
file extensions and the package.json
TypeScript 4.7 added support for understanding these indicators, as well as authoring .mts
and .cts
however, TypeScript would only read those indicators under --module node16
and --module nodenext
, so the unsafe import above was still a problem for anyone using --module esnext
and --moduleResolution bundler
, for example.
To solve this, TypeScript 5.6 collects module format information and uses it to resolve ambiguities like the one in the example above in all module
modes (except amd
, umd
, and system
Format-specific file extensions (.mts
and .cts
) are respected anywhere they’re found, and the package.json
field is consulted inside node_modules
dependencies, regardless of the module
Previously, it was technically possible to produce CommonJS output into a .mjs
file or vice versa:
// main.mts
export default "oops";
// $ tsc --module commonjs main.mts
// main.mjs
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.default = "oops";
Now, .mts
files never emit CommonJS output, and .cts
files never emit ESM output.
Note that much of this behavior was provided in pre-release versions of TypeScript 5.5 (implementation details here), but in 5.6 this behavior is only extended to files within node_modules
More details are available on the change here.
Correct override
Checks on Computed Properties
Previously, computed properties marked with override
did not correctly check for the existence of a base class member.
Similarly, if you used noImplicitOverride
, you would not get an error if you forgot to add an override
modifier to a computed property.
TypeScript 5.6 now correctly checks computed properties in both cases.
const foo = Symbol("foo");
const bar = Symbol("bar");
class Base {
[bar]() {}
class Derived extends Base {
override [foo]() {}
// ~~~~~
// error: This member cannot have an 'override' modifier because it is not declared in the base class 'Base'.
[bar]() {}
// ~~~~~
// error under noImplicitOverride: This member must have an 'override' modifier because it overrides a member in the base class 'Base'.
This fix was contributed thanks to Oleksandr Tarasiuk in this pull request.
What’s Next?
If you want to see what’s coming next, you can also take a look at the TypeScript 5.7 iteration plan where you’ll see a list of prioritized features, bug fixes, and target release dates that you can plan around. TypeScript’s nightly releases are easy to use over npm, and there’s also an extension to use those nightly releases in Visual Studio Code. Nightly releases tend not to be disruptive, but they can give you a good sense of what’s coming next while helping the TypeScript project catch bugs early!
Otherwise, we hope TypeScript 5.6 gives you a great experience, and makes your day-to-day coding a joy!
Happy Hacking!
– Daniel Rosenwasser and the TypeScript Team
thx for this summary