May 7th, 2020

Surface Duo Emulator image update and open-source access to libraries

Guy Merin
Senior Director of Engineering

Hello Surface Duo developers!

Today we’re excited to release a refresh to our Microsoft Surface Duo Emulator Image.

It has been a few weeks since our last Surface Duo Emulator image release and the team has been very busy addressing your feedback and has added several new features and optimizations that are detailed below.

What’s new in updated build 2020.429.2

  • Support for using a keyboard in all posture and flip modes
  • App Drawer and App searches support
  • Improved Notifications support
  • Improved Settings and quick settings experience to support dual screens
  • Enhanced Camera experience (you can access that via the Emulator too!)
  • Several platform improvements to better support App Compat around rotation, resizing, fullscreen, and spanning scenarios

We have more improvements planned for future releases, so stay tuned to our blog for future updates.

Download the latest Emulator image

You can access the latest update here. It is recommended that you uninstall the previous version before you download and install the update.

Open source access to Surface Duo samples and helper functions

We are excited to announce that as

part of this public update, we are making our Helper Functions, Layouts, and Controls code available on GitHub: and open for contribution.

This code, along with our Kotlin and Java samples, helps developers to understand how to build dynamic layouts for dual-screen devices. You can use the issues list to provide feedback. Be sure to check out our contribution guidelines first and we’d love for you to participate.

You can also find the previously published Xamarin.Forms and React Native dual-screen SDKs on GitHub.

Invitation to Microsoft Build

We invite you to join us at Microsoft Build on May 19-21, a free48-hour online developer event. This unique event for developers brings together developers to help the world solve new challenges—sharing knowledge and staying connected is more important than ever. Join your community to learn, connect, and code—to expand your skillset today, and innovate for tomorrow. Among the many topics, we will feature a dedicated dual-screen session for C# developers where we’ll discuss our Surface Duo SDK as part of the React Native and WebPlat talks.

Register now for free.


We’d love to hear from you!

Please leave us feedback using our feedback forum, or message me on Twitter or GitHub.



Guy Merin
Senior Director of Engineering

An #Android #Developer working on #SurfaceDuo and #DeveloperExperience at @Microsoft. Catch me on our #AndroidDevDay #GitHub #PNW trails or drinking #Coffee


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