The attached Windows Script file allows you to unadvertise features in a Windows Installer product by specifying either a ProductCode or the path to an MSP. If any features are advertised – whether incidental or intentional – the product will be reinstalled and those features added locally to your computer.
Repairs a Windows Installer product by unadvertising features.
Usage: Unadvertise.wsf [/Patch:value] [/ProductCode:value] [/Verbose] [/WhatIf] [/MSIOptions:value]
Patch : Path to a Windows Installer patch package
ProductCode : ProductCode for a Windows Installer product
Verbose : Displays verbose output
WhatIf : Only displays what would happen without actually doing it
MSIOptions : Additional properties to pass to Windows Installer when repairing
Example: unadvertise.wsf /patch:patch.msp /verbose
Only one of /Patch or /ProductCode can be specified.