I’m been using the
Windows RSS Platform provided for down-level systems with Internet Explorer
7 for a while, but every so often a few blog posts from our
MSDN aggregated feed contain
markup or links that cause problems, such as absolute-positioned <DIV>
and image sources on servers requiring authentication. I can’t just unsubscribe
to be rid of those bad feed items because this is the MSDN aggregated feed and I
like the variety of news.
Fortunately, the Windows RSS Platform exposes APIs to any COM-compatible languages and technologies like C++, .NET, and Windows Script Host. It also provides a means of deleting a particular feed item from the feed cache.
To use the provided script, just download it, unzip it, and type the following on the command line.
cscript //job:DeleteFeedItem pathrss.wsf /url:permalink
This script is not supported by Microsoft, but feel free to post comments and questions here. The download will evolve over time with more Windows Script Host jobs I currently have in use but need to clean-up and document.
Note: This has been tested with the recent release of Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2.