Semantic Kernel

The latest news from the Semantic Kernel team for developers

Introducing API Manifest Plugins for Semantic Kernel

Hi all, Today we’re featuring a guest author from another team in Microsoft on our Semantic Kernel blog. We will turn it over to Mustafa Zengin to dive into Introducing API Manifest Plugins for Semantic Kernel. Semantic Kernel allows developers to import plugins from OpenAPI documents. For large APIs, such as Microsoft Graph, ...

Semantic Kernel Office Hours Recordings

Microsoft Semantic Kernel Office Hour Recordings We are excited to update you on our new location for all Semantic Kernel Office Hours Recordings here: Semantic Kernel Office Hours - YouTube. Recordings from our Semantic Kernel Office Hours will be posted here one week after the session: Semantic Kernel Office Hours - YouTube (image) ...

Reflecting on a Year of Progress: Microsoft Semantic Kernel Turns One

It's been a whirlwind of a year since Microsoft Semantic Kernel made its debut. As we celebrate Semantic Kernel's first birthday, it presents us with an opportunity to look back at the strides made and the community that's joined us on this trailblazing journey. From the very beginning, we aimed to reshape how app developers interact with AI, ...

Come hack with us on Semantic Kernel v1.0!

(image) v1.0 is right around the corner! What better way to kick off the holiday season than with an AI hackathon! We're approaching a big milestone for the Semantic Kernel with the upcoming release of the 1.0 SDK. To get the community familiar with the changes that are coming and to get as much feedback as possible, we're launching ...

Explore .NET and AI Integration at .NET Conf 2023 with Semantic Kernel

Join us this November 14-16 for the .NET Conf 2023, an event focused on knowledge sharing and the latest in .NET development.  The conference will feature non-stop sessions over three days, ensuring that no matter where you are in the world, there’s something for you to tune into. We understand the value of direct interaction and have ...

Unveiling the Next Steps in AI Productivity: Plugins, Planners, and Personas at Microsoft Ignite

As the Microsoft Ignite event approaches on November 16th, we are excited to invite you to join us for a live session at the Seattle Convention Center Summit. This gathering is a special opportunity for business leaders and AI enthusiasts to gain insight into the advancements of Semantic Kernel, particularly in the realms of Plugins, Planners...