Showing 91 - 100 of 227 results for “stephen toub”


A question I’ve seen come up from time to time is “Why doesn’t Lazy<T> support asynchronous initialization?”  It’s a fair question.  After all, if you’re using Lazy<T> because you have an expensive resource you want to delay the creation of until it’s absolutely needed, it’s...

await anything;

One of the very cool things about the new await keyword in C# and Visual Basic is that it’s pattern based.  It works great with Task and Task<TResult>, and awaiting those two types will represent the vast majority of uses, but they’re by no means the only types that can be awaited.  The languages support awaiting ...

TPL Dataflow on TC Labs

After releasing a CTP of TPL Dataflow as part of the Async CTP, we had multiple requests for a standalone download for just the System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll.  Thanks to everyone who asked for this, and as of this morning, such an installer for an updated version of the preview is now available!  This is part of a ...

Lesser-known Multi-threaded Debugging Support in Visual Studio 2010

We’ve been very excited about the new debugging windows in Visual Studio 2010, namely Parallel Tasks and Parallel Stacks, as well as the newly revamped Threads window, and thus we’ve talked about them quite a bit. For an overview, you can read the MSDN Magazine article at, and Daniel ...