Pete Tian spotlights RBAC for PostgreSQL Flexible Server.
As more enterprises modernize identity management by using RBAC and simply authentication with Single Sign-On, the efforts of maintaining separate sets of username/password for every legacy database instance is still excessive operational overhead that is considerable for IT admins. Even worse, once the databases migrated to public cloud with public IP exposure, the legacy identity management system became a security nightmare.
The voice demanding integration of RBAC / RDBMS access management has been crescendo in recent years, and finally a solution from Microsoft looks promising. Early this year Microsoft announced Azure Active Directory for authentication with PostgresSQL Flexible Server in public preview.
In this blog, I am going to demo how to create a RBAC enabled PostgreSQL Flex Server instance in Azure, then test the DB connection in Linux shell interface and pgAdmin client through LDAP id and access token, rather than using traditional username password pair.
Check out Pete’s full post here.