In response to my entry Philosophy of Automation, Tim Long blogged a response where he advanced the idea that people should make a New Year’s Resolution to start a blog (if you have already). That is a great idea. I would follow on and further encourage you to set up a system to remind yourself at least once a week to make a blog entry (preferrable about something you automated with PowerShell 🙂 ). Here is the concept:
Once you write your first 30 blog entries, the next 300 will come easily.
With that concept in focus, figure out how you are going to get your first 30 blog entries written. Treat it as a project. You know yourself, what works when you are trying to get a project off the ground. Maybe you want to have a weekly reminder in Outlook, maybe you want to put a postit note on your monitor, maybe you should keep a list or folder with ideas of things you should get around to blogging about. Don’t think that you have to write a piece of literature here. This ain’t Thus Spoke Zarathustra, it’s a blog. Blogging automation is super easy. You take your script and PASTE it. Then add a couple sentences about how you use it. Make sure you use the work POWERSHELL so that it is searchable.
Thanks for the great suggestion TIm!
Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]
Windows PowerShell/MMC Architect
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