October 28th, 2014

Manage the PowerShell DSC Extension in the Azure Preview Portal

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

UPDATE 11/21/2014: For information on OS support, and other features, please refer to our release history.

If you haven’t yet started using the Azure Preview Portal and are a fan of PowerShell DSC and the Azure PowerShell DSC Extension (announced in August here), now just might be the time to start. We are pleased to announce that you can now manage the extension using the Preview Portal! Before today, you could use the Preview Portal to get information about the PowerShell DSC Extension (version, status, and status text – example below), but you couldn’t add the extension to an existing virtual machine or update the configuration if the extension was already present.



Preparing for the UI

Just like with the original example using Fourth Coffee, we need to have a few things ready in order to use the new UI, specifically the ZIP file (containing the Configuration and custom DSC Resources). For our example today, we’ve trimmed down the DSC Configuration for Fourth Coffee and made a slight change (file saved as C:\examples\FourthCoffee.ps1):


001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050

Configuration WebSite {     Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration                   # Install the IIS role         WindowsFeature IIS          {              Ensure          = ‘Present’              Name            = ‘Web-Server’          }            # Install the ASP .NET 4.5 role         WindowsFeature AspNet45          {              Ensure          = ‘Present’              Name            = ‘Web-Asp-Net45’          }            # Stop the default website         xWebsite DefaultSite          {              Ensure          = ‘Present’              Name            = ‘Default Web Site’              State           = ‘Stopped’              PhysicalPath    = ‘C:\inetpub\wwwroot’              DependsOn       = ‘[WindowsFeature]IIS’          }            # Copy the website content         File WebContent          {              Ensure          = ‘Present’              SourcePath      = ‘C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\BakeryWebsite’             DestinationPath = ‘C:\inetpub\FourthCoffee’             Recurse         = $true              Type            = ‘Directory’              DependsOn       = ‘[WindowsFeature]AspNet45’          } 

        # Create a new website         xWebsite BakeryWebSite          {              Ensure          = ‘Present’              Name            = ‘FourthCoffee’             State           = ‘Started’              PhysicalPath    = ‘C:\inetpub\FourthCoffee’              DependsOn       = ‘[File]WebContent’          } }

You’ll note that we are using the xWebAdministration DSC Resource again. If you haven’t downloaded it and the rest of most current Wave of the DSC Resource Kit, grab the ‘All Modules’ package here.

With our Configuration file ready, we’ll use PowerShell to prepare the ZIP file. Note that we are using the same cmdlet as before (Publish-AzureVMDscConfiguration), but with a different switch (run from C:\examples; I split the command in two lines; note the backtick character at the end of the first line):

PS> Publish-AzureVMDscConfiguration .\FourthCoffee.ps1 `                                                                
>>> -ConfigurationArchivePath .\WebsitePackage1.zip

This doesn’t actually upload anything to your Storage Account, it just prepares the ZIP file with the specified Configuration. Additionally, it parses the Configuration for custom DSC Resources and as long as they are present, copies them from your Modules folder into the newly created ZIP.

Created ZIP File

For our example, we are going to manually copy the required web content (available at the bottom of this post) into the ZIP file. You’ll notice in the new FourthCoffe.ps1 Configuration that we declared [File]WebContent as getting the files from ‘C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\BakeryWebsite’, so we’ll put it at the same root of the ZIP as the ‘xWebAdministration’ folder is. Note that there are of course other ways with PowerShell DSC to get content, this is just for this example (using the Azure Files Preview is my new favorite way).

Updated ZIP File

Using the UI

Now that our Configuration ZIP (with content) is ready, it’s time to look at the new UI and see what’s possible. In the Azure Preview Portal, browse to your Virtual Machine and in the Configuration space, click on the Extensions box (just like if you were going to go look at the status of the extensions). Now, in the Extensions pane, click the ‘Add’ button and note that our friend ‘PowerShell DSC’ is now present!

Add PowerShell DSC Extension

Just like all of the other existing Azure Extensions, when we click on the PowerShell DSC Extension, we get some descriptive information, a Publisher, and a link to resources:

Extension Details

Clicking on the ‘Create’ button gives the window to input the needed settings. In the event you already have a DSC Extension installed on a VM, you’ll get the second window with the warning:

Extension Fields - New Extension Fields - Existing

For ‘Configuration Modules or Script’, use the folder and browse to the WebsitePackage.zip that we previously created and added content to. Since we didn’t use any Configuration Data in this example, we’ll skip the ‘ConfigurationData PSD1 File’. That option allows for the specifying of a Configuration Data file as the name implies and is the equivalent of using –ConfigurationDataPath with the Set-AzureVMDscExtension cmdlet. For ‘Module-qualified Name of Configuration’, use the name of the DSC Configuration file included in the ZIP along with the name of the Configuration in this format (note that the ‘Configuration File’ may contain more than one DSC configuration; this format ensures the Azure Extension picks up the correct one):


For our example, it will look like this when all put together:

Extension Fields - Added

We didn’t have any arguments to pass to the Configuration in this example either, but the ‘Configuration Arguments’ would be where you placed –ConfigurationArgument details. Instead of using a hashtable like in the PowerShell cmdlets, use the format ‘name1=value1,name2=value’.

When you click the ‘Create’ button, the Add Extension pane will disappear and close. You can see that the work is being done and the status by using the Notifications icon on the left bar:

Notifications - Creating Extension

And when completed:

Notifications - Done Creating Extension

Browsing back into our Virtual Machines Configuration and Extensions, we can see that the PowerShell DSC Extension is being installed:

Extension - Installing

Here’s a rapid set of screen grabs as it progresses and finishes (took about 5 minutes on my VM):

Extension - Transitioning - Rebooting

Extension - Transitioning - Initializing

Extension - Transitioning - Applying

Extension - Success

Success! Now, the only thing we have to do is check to see if our content was put in place and the website is working. You can use the Azure Portal to configure an endpoint for this Virtual Machine, but I did it the quick way with PowerShell (note that I split the command in 3 lines):

PS> Get-AzureVM -Name sample -ServiceName sample-i5oc0t5i |                                                          
>>> Add-AzureEndpoint -Name HTTP -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 80 -PublicPort 80 |                                           
>>> Update-AzureVM                                                                                                      

Then I took my favorite browser and went to see if it worked and see that everything on my new VM is exactly as I wanted it. All done!

Website Running

Additional Resources

Here are just a few other PowerShell DSC related resources:

· Secure Credentials in the Azure Powershell DSC Extension

· Troubleshooting the DSC Extension for Azure

· DSC Resource Kit (All Modules)

Happy configuring!

David Coulter – Microsoft, Senior Consultant



PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.


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