Getting MSDN help urls for .NET BCL types and Members

PowerShell Team

 Often when playing with .Net objects in Monad, I need to use MSDN class library reference to learn how to use a particular type and its members. Now, I have my bookmarks and favorite search engine but I always thought it would be cool if get-member cmdlet could provide me a help link/reference to go to. Thanks to the way MSDN organizes the class library content this seems possible.  MSDN uses the .Net namespace to organize the content. So  refers to the page providing information on the Process Type while refers to the page providing information on the Start method.

Using monad’s Extended Type System (ETS) features and the way MSDN orgranizes the information I can achieve what  I want.  The get-member cmdlet outputs an object of Type System.Management.Automation.Commands.MemberDefinition. I will extend this type by adding a ScriptProperty called HelpLink via types.mshxml.  The following is the xml snippet that I add to my types.mshxml. The ScriptBlock basically constructs a url string based on the type name and name of the member being accessed. You will have to restart msh to get the changes in.

         <GetScriptBlock>  “” + $this.typename +”.” +$”.aspx”</GetScriptBlock>

 This is what the get-member output looks like before adding the extension.

MSH> $a = ps msh

MSH > $a | get-member -membertype method -name Start | format-list

TypeName   : System.Diagnostics.Process
Name       : Start
MemberType : Method
Definition : System.Boolean Start()

This is what the get-member output looks like after the extension.

MSH C:\> $a | get-member -membertype method -name Start | format-list

HelpLink   :
TypeName   : System.Diagnostics.Process
Name       : Start
MemberType : Method
Definition : System.Boolean Start()

I can now navigate to the exact help link directly from monad whenever needed :-). This seems to work ok for types in the base class library, but will not work for COM objects or the adapted objects or any custom types you might have.

-Abhishek Agrawal


[Edit: Monad has now been renamed to Windows PowerShell. This script or discussion may require slight adjustments before it applies directly to newer builds.]


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