<Edited 7/2/2006 to add categories and tags>
In the previous entry, it showed how you could use the static method GetHostAddresses of the [System.Net.Dns] class to resolve a hostname. This begs the question, how do you find the static methods of a class. There are 2 answers to this:
1) SDK documentation. (remember the trick here – type the name of the class you want and the term “Members” into your search engine).
2) Use Get-Member
Get-Member has a switch -STATIC when directs it to return the static methods and properties of a type. Here are a couple of examples:
PS> [System.Net.Dns] |Get-Member -Static
TypeName: System.Net.Dns
Name MemberType Definition
—- ———- ———-
BeginGetHostAddresses Method static System.IAsyncResult BeginGetHost…
BeginGetHostByName Method static System.IAsyncResult BeginGetHost…
BeginGetHostEntry Method static System.IAsyncResult BeginGetHost…
BeginResolve Method static System.IAsyncResult BeginResolve…
EndGetHostAddresses Method static System.Net.IPAddress[] EndGetHos…
EndGetHostByName Method static System.Net.IPHostEntry EndGetHos…
EndGetHostEntry Method static System.Net.IPHostEntry EndGetHos…
EndResolve Method static System.Net.IPHostEntry EndResolv…
Equals Method static System.Boolean Equals(Object obj…
GetHostAddresses Method static System.Net.IPAddress[] GetHostAd…
GetHostByAddress Method static System.Net.IPHostEntry GetHostBy…
GetHostByName Method static System.Net.IPHostEntry GetHostBy…
GetHostEntry Method static System.Net.IPHostEntry GetHostEn…
GetHostName Method static System.String GetHostName()
ReferenceEquals Method static System.Boolean ReferenceEquals(O…
Resolve Method static System.Net.IPHostEntry Resolve(S…
PS> [DateTime] |Get-Member -Static
TypeName: System.DateTime
Name MemberType Definition
—- ———- ———-
Compare Method static System.Int32 Compare(DateTime t1…
DaysInMonth Method static System.Int32 DaysInMonth(Int32 y…
Equals Method static System.Boolean Equals(DateTime t…
FromBinary Method static System.DateTime FromBinary(Int64…
FromFileTime Method static System.DateTime FromFileTime(Int…
FromFileTimeUtc Method static System.DateTime FromFileTimeUtc(…
FromOADate Method static System.DateTime FromOADate(Doubl…
get_Now Method static System.DateTime get_Now()
get_Today Method static System.DateTime get_Today()
get_UtcNow Method static System.DateTime get_UtcNow()
IsLeapYear Method static System.Boolean IsLeapYear(Int32 …
op_Addition Method static System.DateTime op_Addition(Date…
op_Equality Method static System.Boolean op_Equality(DateT…
op_GreaterThan Method static System.Boolean op_GreaterThan(Da…
op_GreaterThanOrEqual Method static System.Boolean op_GreaterThanOrE…
op_Inequality Method static System.Boolean op_Inequality(Dat…
op_LessThan Method static System.Boolean op_LessThan(DateT…
op_LessThanOrEqual Method static System.Boolean op_LessThanOrEqua…
op_Subtraction Method static System.DateTime op_Subtraction(D…
Parse Method static System.DateTime Parse(String s),…
ParseExact Method static System.DateTime ParseExact(Strin…
ReferenceEquals Method static System.Boolean ReferenceEquals(O…
SpecifyKind Method static System.DateTime SpecifyKind(Date…
TryParse Method static System.Boolean TryParse(String s…
TryParseExact Method static System.Boolean TryParseExact(Str…
MaxValue Property static System.DateTime MaxValue {get;set;}
MinValue Property static System.DateTime MinValue {get;set;}
Now Property System.DateTime Now {get;}
Today Property System.DateTime Today {get;}
UtcNow Property System.DateTime UtcNow {get;}
Jeffrey Snover
Windows PowerShell Architect
PSMDTAG:FAQ: How do I find the static methods of a class?
PSMDTAG:DOTNET static methods, System.Net.DNS