June 27th, 2016

DSC Resource Kit Community Call

We will be hosting a community call for the DSC Resource Kit 1-3PM on Thursday, June 30 (Pacific Time). Call in to ask questions or give feedback about the DSC Resource Kit!

For this call, we will be focusing on the DSC Resource Kit overall as well as the new plans for experimental High Quality Resource Modules (HQRMs).

Comments, questions, and feedback about the call can be submitted on GitHub in the PowerShell/DSCResources repository under issue #146.

How to Join

You can access the call through Skype or by phone: Join online meeting

Join by Phone +14257063500 (USA – Redmond Campus) English (United States) +18883203585 (USA – Redmond Campus) English (United States)

Find a local number

Conference ID: 41363796 Forgot your dial-in PIN?


You can ask your own questions about the DSC Resource Kit at any point during the call!

We would like some feedback from the community in the following areas:

  • Release Cadence
    • Are you satisfied with how often releases go out?
    • What other information you would like in the release blog?
    • What is the best way to let you know that the the Resource Kit has been/will be released?
  • Experimental High Quality Resource Module (HQRM) Plans
    • xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
      • The HQRM plan for xPSDSC is available here. Do you think completing these steps will ensure that xPSDSC is a HQRM? Why or why not?
    • xWebAdministration
      • The HQRM plan for xWebAdministration is available here. Do you think completing these steps will ensure that xWebAdministration is a HQRM? Why or why not?
    • SharePointDsc
      • xSharepoint has recently been converted to SharePointDsc and released as version 1.0 (and 1.1). They do not follow an HQRM plan, but they have exceptional developer response times as well as extensive test coverage. Would you accept this in production as a HQRM? Why or why not?
    • Which of these 3 methods for updating a module to a HQRM is best?
  • Style Guidelines
    • We have updated the Style Guidelines for the DSC Resource Kit. Please let us know your thoughts or if we’ve missed anything important.
  • Best Practices
    • We will be adding a Best Practices document for the DSC Resource Kit soon. What do you think should be in it?
  • Module Maintainers
    • Are you satisfied with the module maintainers of the repositories you work on? Why or why not?
    • Are there any updates needed for the maintainer instructions?
    • Announcement: All module maintainers should wait 24 hours before merging their own pull request if there is no one else to review it unless it is an urgent bug fix.
  • Contribution Guidelines
  • What are some overall DSC Resource Kit improvements you’d like to see happen?

In This Call

Name Relation to Resource Kit Topics They Can Discuss GitHub Handle Twitter Handle
Katie Keim
  • Member of the PowerShell DSC Team
  • Current owner of the DSC Resource Kit
  • Works on xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
  • Releasing the DSC Resource Kit
  • Overall plans for the DSC Resource Kit
  • HQRM plan for xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
@kwirkykat @katiedsc
Mariah Breakey
  • Member of the PowerShell DSC Team
  • Works on xWebAdministration
  • HQRM plan for xWebAdministration
@mbreakey3 @mbreakey7
Narayanan Lakshsmanan
  • Engineering Manager for PowerShell DSC
  • Anything DSC
@nanalakshmanan @NanaLakshmanan
Keith Bankston
  • Program Manager for PowerShell
  • Naming and version convention for resources
  • Past HQRM plans
@JKeithB @JKeithB_Msft
Brian Farnhill
  • Maintainer and main contributor for SharePointDsc
  • SharePointDsc
@BrianFarnhill @BrianFarnhill
Karol Kaczmarek
  • Member of the PowerShell DSC Team
  • Previous owner of the DSC Resource Kit
  • Maintainer of multiple modules
  • Naming and versioning convention for resources
  • Anything DSC Resource Kit
@KarolKaczmarek @KarolKaczmarek
Michael Greene
  • Maintainer and prominent contributor to multiple modules
  • Program Manager for the Engineering Cloud Group Customer Advisory Team
  • Initiated setting up this community call!
  • Multiple DSC resource modules and how they are used in the real world
@mgreenegit @migreene


Discussion are closed.