I’m constantly amazed and delighted by what people are able to do with a single line of PowerShell. The System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) team just released a PowerShell Cmdlet Reference HERE. That is cool – it allows anyone to go take a look at their Cmdlets to either get a better idea for what SCVMM does (or how it does it) or to learn from how they did their cmdlets. I encourage everyone that ships cmdlets to do something similar. That might seem like a big ask until you look at how they produced their documentation:
Get-Command -PSSnapin VirtualMachineManagerSnapin | Sort-Object Noun, Verb | Get-Help -detailed > VMMHelpTopicsSortedNounVerb.txt
They then imported that into WORD and added an Introduction and Table of Contents.
Simply amazing! It’s actually obvious once you see it but I hadn’t thought about this before. That is the power of having lots of smart people sharing their ideas.
So what are you waiting for? Take a minute and produce a Cmdlet Reference for your product and post it on the Web. (Put a link to the document as a comment to this thread so people can find it.) Also – have you got a great script or one-liner that you are using but haven’t shared with the world yet? Improve the world by sharing it.
Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]
Windows Management Partner Architect
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