March 30th, 2023

Update XML files using PowerShell

Sonam Rastogi
Senior Service Engineer

There are many available blog posts on internet explaining how to update XML files in PowerShell. But I felt need of one consolidated blog where complex XML files can be updated using PowerShell. These complex xml files can have long complex hierarchy of XML nodes and attributes.

Let us try to update below XML sample at various levels of node hierarchy.

Sample XML Code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Data version="2.0">
    <Role Name="ManagementServer" Value="OldManagementServer" />
    <Instance Server="OldSQLServer" Instance="MSSQLSERVER" Version="SQL Server 2012">
      <Variable Name="SQLAdmin" Value="Domain\OldSQlAdmin" />
      <Variable Name="SQLUser" Value="domain\sqluser" />
    <VM Type="ClientVM">
    <VM Type="DNSServerVM">

Image original

Steps to follow

Save the above xml block in C: drive with name “Data.xml”.

We will update the nodes in XML file to use a new management, SQL, and DNS servers. Below are the step-by-step PowerShell commands on how we can update the nodes and their attributes at various levels.

  1. Define the variables that we need to modify.

    $path             = 'C:\Users\sorastog\Desktop\blog\Variable.xml'
    $ManagementServer = 'NewManagementServer'
    $SQLServer        = 'NewSQLServer'
    $SQLAdmin         = 'Domain\NewSQlAdmin'
    $DNSServerVMName  = 'NewDNSServer'
  2. Read the content of XML file.

    $xml = [xml](Get-Content -Path $path)
  3. Update ManagementServer: Change the attribute Value of nodes at level 3 based on the Name attribute on the same level.

    $node = $xml.Data.Roles.Role | 
    where {$_.Name -eq 'ManagementServer'}
    $node.Value = $ManagementServer
  4. Update SQLServer: Change the attribute Value of a node at level 3.

    $node        = $xml.Data.SQL.Instance
    $node.Server = $SQLServer
  5. Update SQLAdmin: Change the attribute Value of nodes at level 4 based on the Name attribute on the same level.

    $node = $xml.Data.SQL.Instance.Variable |
    where {$_.Name -eq 'SQLAdmin'}
    $node.Value = $SQLAdmin
  6. Update DNSServerVM: Change the attribute Value of nodes at level 4 based on the VMType attribute at the level above.

    $node = $xml.Data.VMs.VM |
    where {$_.Type -eq 'DNSServerVM'}
    $node.VMName = $DNSServerVMName
  7. Save changes to the XML file.



The final PowerShell script will look like below:

$path             = 'C:\Data.xml'
$ManagementServer = 'NewManagementServer'
$SQLServer        = 'NewSQLServer'
$SQLAdmin         = 'Domain\NewSQlAdmin'
$DNSServerVMName  = 'NewDNSServer'

$xml = [xml](Get-Content $path)

$node = $xml.Data.Roles.Role |
    where {$_.Name -eq 'ManagementServer'}
$node.Value = $ManagementServer

$node        = $xml.Data.SQL.Instance
$node.Server = $SQLServer

$node = $xml.Data.SQL.Instance.Variable |
    where {$_.Name -eq 'SQLAdmin'}
$node.Value = $SQLAdmin

$node = $xml.Data.VMs.VM |
    where {$_.Type -eq 'DNSServerVM'}
$node.VMName = $DNSServerVMName


The final xml will look like below.

Image updated

Hope this post will help you to update complex XML files using PowerShell. If there are suggestions on how to improve this blog post, then please comment below. I will be happy to include them.

Till Then, Happy Scripting 🙂

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Sonam Rastogi
Senior Service Engineer

I have 12+ years of development experience in C#, PowerShell, SQL, Azure, PowerBI and other Microsoft technologies.


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  • James Bryant

    One of the things I had to fully understand before I could be confident was this:
    The $node variable is not a standalone or separate variable with a copy of XML in it. It connects directly to the original XML object ($xml) and directly modifies it if $node is changed. It seems to be more accurate to call it a view into the original XML object.

    • Sonam RastogiMicrosoft employee Author

      Yes that’s right. Hence, we can save the $xml variable at the end in one go once all changes are made.

  • Flux · Edited

    The code in this blog doesn’t even work.

    Where-Object doesn’t have a -Process parameter.

    • Sonam RastogiMicrosoft employee Author

      Thanks for the check. It has been updated now 🙂