November 7th, 2023

VHDs and CHEs with One box deployments available now (VHD FinandOps10.0.37)

TL;DR We have published updated virtual machines (VHD) and cloud hosted environments (CHE) containing the latest bits, scheduled to be released in the first week of November 2023.

The new VHD Developer One-box image is based on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter. The image contains both the Visual Studio (VS) 2019 and VS 2022 versions (in the professional SKU). The VHD ships with the Platform Update 61/App 10.0.37 payload installed.

The cloud hosted environments (CHE) is available for Platform Update 62 / App 10.0.38. Here you will find the VS 2022 Professional SKU, not the Enterprise version. If you need the Enterprise SKU, you should download it from official channels and then do a redeployment.

The CHE will be available for deployment from LCS, and the VHD can be downloaded as usual, as described here: Deploy and access development environments.


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