January 14th, 2009

Parallel Extensions on Wikipedia

Did you know we’re on Wikipedia?  We love Wikipedia; it’s a great resource for hungry minds and we’re elated to have an article dedicated to the Extensions.  Unfortunately,  our article is a bit out-of-date.


We could update it ourselves but we’d rather respect Wikipedia’s policies and avoid editing an article pertaining to our own project.  Instead, we’re soliciting your help.  The article was created in September of ’07 and hasn’t changed much since even though a lot has changed in the bits.  Heck, even the name has changed!  We’d love to have you contribute to the article by fleshing it out more, reflecting changes to the APIs (Parallel.Do is now Parallel.Invoke), refreshing facts (we’ve announced we’re going to be part of Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4.0 and released a CTP) and updating external links (the .NET Framework 4.0 section of the .NET Framework page could use a refresh, for instance). 


Also, for the really ambitious, we have a few other technologies that don’t even have pages or relevant sections at all. The Parallel Patterns Library, the Concurrency Runtime, the new Parallel Stacks and Parallel Tasks windows, and the new Concurrency Analysis option in the Performance Wizard of Visual Studio 2010 all need a fine Wikipedian home.  Both the Parallel Computing page on MSDN and Channel 9 are great resources to get started, but we’d be happy to answer any questions you might have in your editorial endeavors, so let the comments begin!


Discussion are closed.