The ReadFile
functions have a parameter called
which is documented as
__out_opt LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, // or __out_opt LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
“Cool,” you think.
“That parameter is optional, and I can safely pass NULL
My program runs fine if standard output is a console, but if I redirect standard output, then it crashes on the
call. I verified that the handle is __cdecl main(int, char **) { // error checking removed for expository purposes HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); WriteFile(hStdOut, “hello”, 5, NULL, NULL); return 0; }The crash occurs inside the
function trying to write to a null pointer.
But you need to read further in the documentation for
- lpNumberOfBytesWritten [out, optional]
A pointer to the variable that receives the number of bytes written when using a synchronous hFile parameter. WriteFile sets this value to zero before doing any work or error checking. Use NULL for this parameter if this is an asynchronous operation to avoid potentially erroneous results.
This parameter can be NULL only when the lpOverlapped parameter is not NULL.
That second paragraph is the catch: The parameter is sometimes optional and sometimes mandatory. The annotation language used in the function head is not expressive enough to say, “Sometimes optional, sometimes mandatory,” so it chooses the weakest annotation (“optional”) so as not to generate false positives when run through static code analysis tools.
With the benefit of hindsight, the functions probably should have
been split into pairs, one for use with an OVERLAPPED
structure and one without.
That way, one version of the function would have a mandatory
parameter and no
parameter at all;
the other would have a mandatory
parameter and no
parameter at all.
The crash trying to write to a null pointer is consistent with the
remark in the documentation that
is set to zero before any work is performed.
As for why the code runs okay if output is not redirected:
Appearing to succeed is a valid form of undefined behavior.
It appears that when the output handle is a console,
the rule about
is not consistently enforced.
At least for now.