April 12th, 2022

Introducing Central Package Management

Jeff Kluge
Principal Software Engineer

Central Package Management

Dependency management is a core feature of NuGet. Managing dependencies for a single project can be easy. Managing dependencies for multi-project solutions can prove to be difficult as they start to scale in size and complexity. In situations where you manage common dependencies for many different projects, you can leverage NuGet’s central package management features to do all of this from the ease of a single location.

Historically, NuGet package dependencies have been managed in two main locations:

  • packages.config – An XML file used in older project types to maintain the list of packages referenced by the project.
  • <PackageReference /> – An XML element used in new project types that manages NuGet dependencies directly within project files.

Starting with NuGet 6.2, you can centrally manage your dependencies in your projects with the addition of a Directory.Packages.props file.

The feature is available across all NuGet integrated tooling.

Older tooling will ignore Central Package Management configurations and features. To use this feature to the fullest extent, ensure all your build environments use the latest compatible tooling versions.

Central Package Management will apply to all <PackageReference> projects – including legacy .csproj – as long as compatible tooling is used.

Enabling Central Package Management

To get started with central package management, you can create a Directory.Packages.props file at the root of your solution and set the MSBuild property ManagePackageVersionsCentrally to true.

Inside, you can define each of the respective package versions required of your solution using <PackageVersion /> elements that define the package ID and version.

    <PackageVersion Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="13.0.1" />

Within a project of the solution, you can then use the respective <PackageReference /> syntax you know and love, but without a Version attribute to infer the centrally managed version instead.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" />

Now you’re using central package management and managing your versions in a central location!

Central Package Management rules

The Directory.Packages.props file has a number of rules with regards to where it’s located in a repository’s directory and its context. For the sake of simplicity, only one Directory.Packages.props file is evaluated for a given project.

What this means is that if you had multiple Directory.Packages.props files in your repository, the file that is closest to your project’s directory will be evaluated for it. This allows you extra control at various levels of your repository.

Here’s an example, consider the following repository structure:

 |-- Directory.Packages.props
 |-- Solution1
     |-- Directory.Packages.props
     |-- Project1
 |-- Solution2
     |-- Project2
  • Project1 will evaluate the Directory.Packages.props file in the Repository\Solution1\ directory.
  • Project2 will evaluate the Directory.Packages.props file in the Repository\ directory.

Get started

To fully onboard your repository, consider taking these steps:

  1. Create a new file at the root of your repository named Directory.Packages.props that declares your centrally defined package versions in.
  2. Declare <PackageVersion /> items in your Directory.Packages.props.
  3. Declare <PackageReference /> items without Version attributes in your project files.

Transitive pinning

You can automatically override a transitive package version even without an explicit top-level <PackageReference /> by opting into a feature known as transitive pinning. This promotes a transitive dependency to a top-level dependency implicitly on your behalf when necessary.

You can enable this feature by setting the MSBuild property CentralPackageTransitivePinningEnabled to true in a project or in a Directory.Packages.props or Directory.Build.props import file:


Overriding package versions

You can override an individual package version by using the VersionOverride property on a <PackageReference /> item. This overrides any <PackageVersion /> defined centrally.

    <PackageVersion Include="PackageA" Version="1.0.0" />
    <PackageVersion Include="PackageB" Version="2.0.0" />
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <PackageReference Include="PackageA" VersionOverride="3.0.0" />

You can disable this feature by setting the MSBuild property CentralPackageVersionOverrideEnabled to false in a project or in a Directory.Packages.props or Directory.Build.props import file:


When this feature is disabled, specifying a VersionOverride on any <PackageReference /> item will result in an error at restore time indicating that the feature is disabled.

Disabling Central Package Management

If you’d like to disable central package management for any reason, you can disable this feature by setting the MSBuild property ManagePackageVersionsCentrally to false:


Warning when using multiple package sources

When using central package management, you will see a NU1507 warning if you have more than one package source defined in your configuration. To resolve this warning, map your package sources with package source mapping or specify a single package source.

There are 3 package sources defined in your configuration. When using central package management, please map your package sources with package source mapping (https://aka.ms/nuget-package-source-mapping) or specify a single package source.


We hope that these features will help improve your productivity of managing your dependencies as they scale with your projects, promote healthy security best practices, and empower your team to achieve more with the ease of a single location. There is currently no support in Visual Studio or the .NET CLI for Central Package Management.


This feature is considered in preview and is under active development. Your feedback is important to us. If there are any problems with this feature, check our GitHub Issues. For new issues within this experience, please report a GitHub Issue. To help us with documentation, please feel free to contribute and ask questions on how we can explain the feature further.


Jeff Kluge
Principal Software Engineer


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  • Zachary HalaszMicrosoft employee

    Is there a reason to go with this over the CentralPackageVersions SDK? As far as I can tell the only difference is the automatic transitive dependency logic (which, to be fair, is pretty nice).

  • Forrest Brown

    Can transitive pinning be used to replace packages.lock.json?

  • Alex Ivanoff

    Visual Studio 2022 17.2.5, dotnet SDK 6.0.301, still getting “The project CentralPackageVersions.csproj is using CentralPackageVersionManagement, a NuGet preview feature.”

  • Alex Ivanoff

    Why are floating package versions not allowed?

  • Stephen Black

    Is this feature still in Preview? The output from a build/restore in Visual studio suggests so.

  • Audun Solemdal

    Is it possible to “Include” an entire ItemGroup somehow instead of having to declare the packagereferences one by one?

    For instance, in my Directory.packages.props I’d like to label different ItemGroups depending on where in my project I will use them.

      <ItemGroup Include="MyCentrallyStoredItemGroup>
    • vic viper · Edited

      A feature I’m missing is that if you try to update the nuget packages with Visual Studio nuget package management dialog, it adds the Version=”1.2.3″ to the PackageReference items, instead of updating the PackageVersion items in the Directory.Packages.props

      In other words, if someone chooses to use Directory.Packages.props, you can’t use package management dialog any longer.

  • Bryan Kelly

    I love this feature! We’ve been doing something similar by making variables with versions in the Build.props file and only using the variables in the csproj files. Which has worked, but doesn’t work with tooling (like dependabot).

    I tried this out yesterday with VS 2022 17.2 and it wasn’t working. I also tried at the command line too (with SDK 6.0.300). It doesn’t seem to be working for me. Was this actually part of the release? Maybe I’m just doing something wrong?

  • Mike Yeager

    Very nice! I like it. Concerning the post above:

    **Disabling Central Package Management**
    If you’d like to disable central package management for any reason, you can disable this feature with the following:

    Which file(s) would this be added to?

    • Jeff KlugeMicrosoft employee Author

      Central package management is off by default but you can add the ManagePackageVersionsCentrally property to any project or common import like Directory.Build.props.