Erick Yondon

Software Engineer 2, NuGet

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The repository signing certificate will be updated as soon as April 8th, 2024

Action required: If you validate that packages are repository signed by using a NuGet client policy, command, or the command, please follow these steps by April 8th, 2024 to avoid potential disruptions when installing new packages. If you are unsure, we have outlined steps to check if you will be impacted. Since 2018, ...

Introducing NuGetSolver: A Powerful Tool for Resolving NuGet Dependency Conflicts in Visual Studio

Managing dependencies on complex projects can be overwhelming. Developers often grapple with numerous direct and transitive dependencies across multiple projects. When different projects share dependencies with varying versions, manual conflict resolution becomes necessary, which can be tedious and error-prone, as fixing one issue may ...

Quickly Map Your NuGet Packages to Sources

Package Source Mapper When we introduced Package Source Mapping late last year, we noticed a certain challenge to make onboarding to using the feature easier. Could there be a way for us to automatically generate a NuGet.config for you based on your project’s known packages and sources? We started to develop a tool that does just that for ...