June 24th, 2020

Video training package for Microsoft Teams Yeoman generator

We are thrilled to announce the availability of a new video training package for yo teams, helping to get started on using the Microsoft Teams Yeoman generator for creating different kind of solutions for Microsoft Teams. This package is targeted to be used for self-learning by following up the steps in the videos for learning how easy it is to build solutions for Microsoft Teams.

Introduction to Microsoft Teams Yeoman generator

yo teams is a a Yeoman Generator for Microsoft Teams Apps projects. The most comprehensive and complete development toolkit for Microsoft Teams development. This generator is for developers who prefers to use TypeScript, React and node as their primary technologies. yo teams is also fully open-source project and we do welcome contributions for this generator. Your input and feedback is more than welcome.

The generator allows you to simply create and scaffold projects that includes one or more Microsoft Teams features such as:

  • Bots – based on Bot Framework
  • Messaging Extensions – actions and query
  • Tabs, with support for Single-Sign-On
  • Connectors
  • Outgoing Webhooks

When scaffolding the project you will also have the option of adding additional features to your project such as:

  • Easy deploy to Microsoft Azure
  • Add unit testing framework and sample unit tests
  • Easily develop and debug using ngrok
  • Application Insights support

You can find more documentation on yo teams also from the Microsoft Teams developer documentation.

Training video instructors

Here are the instructors for this video training package.


You can find the training video playlist from the Microsoft 365 & SharePoint Community YouTube channel. Here’s direct links to the videos.

Additional resources

Got ideas, feedback, comments? – Don’t hesitate to let us know. We are here for you for helping to adopt the recommended patterns for using and extending Microsoft 365.

Sharing is Caring!


We coordinate the Microsoft 365 Patterns and Practices (PnP) open-source and community activities.